Pardon the wet paint, we are under new management!

Day 839, 18:01 Published in Norway Norway by Norwegian Consulate

Hello to my fellow citizens of norway and to the citizens of the world! My name is Gatewayy and I have been appointed by President Bob Turkee as his new Minister of Foreign Affairs (MoFA). Last Month I served as the Vice MoFA under the excellent leadership of Eris Caelestis! The President has appointed GreyFool as my Vice MoFA and I am looking forward to working with him over the term.

At this time I am contacting the Ambassadors at out Foreign Consulates to check on their status and needs for this term. I will be announcing out current staff and future plans in the next few days so stay tuned!

Also, if you would be interested in volunteering to assist with our Ambassador Program, Ambassadørprogram, please send us a message or contact Gatewayy or GreyFool directly. I will post more about our Ambassadørprogram in the next few days once the chaos settles down somewhat! 🙂

Minister of Foreign Affairs
Norwegian Consulate