Norway Invaded

Day 2,931, 01:08 Published in Norway Norway by Eris Caelestis

In the last few days, we’ve seen our country taken over by a hostile dictator from Chile, Elvis Tec, and his military unit WRemojadoresW. According to the Chilean government, they do not support the actions of this military unit. The hostile dictatorship has increased our income tax to 10% and minimum wage to 45 NOK so that they can get rich off our hard work. The attempt of our ally Russia to help us by taking our regions was thwarted by the hostile Chilean military unit. In response, Elvis Tec retaliated against Russia, but luckily failed to take Russia’s northern region. Bolivia and Paraguay took advantage of the opportunity to carve up our nation and take our regions for themselves.

This is not game over for eNorway. The true eNorwegians must band together now more than ever to get our country back. The leadership has a lot on their plates, and important roles and duties should be shared with active and enthusiastic Norwegians. We need more communication and coordination between the government and citizens of Norway. If we are to be successful, we must all be on the same page. If we keep hope, prepare and organize, we can win our country back.

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