North Getting Warmer

Day 1,701, 03:08 Published in USA Russia by Geronimo100
Warming on North Border

No, it's not bro love, or global warming. It's politics or should I call it politricks.

For some time relations with our neighbor up north were not what they used to be. After leaking info on so called CTRL alliance by Rylde (president of eCanada) and all that followed in media. Further deterioration of relations culminated in eCanadian Congress where congressman Code-Y (member of Norsefire Coalition Funhouse party and Ryldes Roughnecks MU) proposed vote on declaring eUSA Natural Enemy of eCanada.

Soon, eUSA president Evry proposed in our Congress vote on NE eCanada.
While I type this, voting stands at 13/3 in eCanada, and 26/9 in eUSA, 66% of the Congress vote is needed for acceptance. Obviously eUSA is ready for war and this administration has support. Rouge Squadron pilots are ready to reclaim Canada aka Hoth (article by Cromstar)

Photo taken in front of eUSA Congress.
Citizens gathered to show they support for war with eCanada.

Will this lead to another war on North American continent, or is this just for lulz. Will eUSA conquer eCanada or it will get bogged down. And what will be actions of European powers.

And here is one photo from last war (or not)

Is this what the future will look like.

Thank you, Geronimo100 out.