No confidence in OUR President

Day 847, 09:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda

Greetings , from the most censored TD in the last 11 days, Below is a list of failures and reasons to impeach our current president .

You think im wrong ? Do you not read the media ?

Lets go back 11days , and read the title of dubhthaigh's paper that day .

Vote for Dubhthaigh for Unity , Pride, prosperity and a Real Change
Unity - fail
pride - fail
prosperity - fail
Real Change - gotta give em that one because i cant recall a worse 11 days for eIreland in erepublik, thats a real change

Timeline of events in Ireland

8-10 days ago
Our president places a TD on the cabinet knowing that such a move would cause a furore,Contrary to popular belief Mr Boru WAS a co-minister ,then was sacked ,
Some are still insisting he was just an advisor , You are wrong . Dubh called him co-minister in his cabinet listing , and also said he was no longer co-minister in his article "clarifying the role of Brian Boru"
Dubh failed to place the newly constructed hospital in the region it was produced for , not only that but in the forum he stated that if no objections were raised by a certain time he would place it .
Well the time passed and guess what? our president failed to stand by his own words, and instead put it to an ingame vote, which passed .
In the meantime our president abused his position as Leas ceann-comhairle by locking threads in the public dail because he didnt agree with the statements being made .

Now in my time as a citizen of ireland i have been accused of some things by our current president , one of which was "posting shock horror threads " inforum
But what does our president post in the national media 4-5 days ago?
"Threat to the republic and Defiance "
Seriously , ????
These two posts just show the contempt our president has for this country not just its TD's but all citizens

Then comes a self impeachment
Very clever move by Dubh there , as well as the fact that there was no threat of impeachment at the time (it was in the post) dubh proposes his own impeachment .
You know whats wrong with that ? First there was no notification and no discussion , so if TD's are to carry out their job in accordance with rules of the dail they HAD to vote NO . thank god most didnt .
Second , the timing was perfect , Ireland is at its most quiet and inactive on a friday night and saturday afternoon which means less TD's would have voted compared to if the vote was on another day , Kudos to you dubh .

2-3 days ago
An article titled eIrish government
In it dubh says he would like a change to a "system where our country is mainly based on what can be done ingame and not on the often complex and unenforcable legislation offsite"
Fantastic , I and many others have been saying this for months now , it was the reason i finally ran for congress 2months ago.
What many people dont realise is many of these problems were created by dubh and others who spent many many months legislating irrelevant b*llsh*t in our forum.There was a stage 3 months ago when the only new posts in-forum everyday were in the public and private dail .

A couple of days ago
An article titled "to war "
It was an out n out joke .
I was ordered to muster troops with the intention of sending them abroad . OK nothing difficult there then , Wrong again ,
In the 2nd presidential update Dubh stated that CO's would no longer be issuing troops with supplies , so when i went to gain access to a CO's org i use and found the password had been changed ,i didnt complain , i understood the reasoning behind changing said password even though i hadn't been informed .(this org has a company and weapons )
But when i tried to gain access to the other Org i use to contact troops and store relevant info for the idf (this org holds no inventory or companies), i found this had also locked to me .
I contacted the CoS about this but hadnt heard back before i resigned .
How are CO's supposed to do thier job ?

I apologise to any members of leinster Rangers who may have contacted me through the CO's org and were waiting for further instruction, but i havnt been allowed access

In the last presidential update our pres shows yet again how out of touch he is with this country , he states "that two days ago there were no skill 3-4 jobs available in hte manufacturing sector "
TWO DAYS ? for the last week this has been going on , a week ago there were NO jobs except for lvl 0 jobs , no jobs for lvl 1,2,3,4,5,6,7 in manufacturing at all ,and its not much better now

I have tried to do my job as TD and CO of the idf in the last 11 days , i have been threatened by pm for doing my job by reporting the fact there was a resolution against Brian Boru holding a cabinet position , been insulted by our president , and have been accused of getting too personal in my critique of our president . And today have been told im a traitor for resigning from the IDF .
I now feel maybe it is time to get personal , because the people making these accusations and the people saying "its time to move on " are the same people who have continued this crusade against TD's and ministers who are trying to do their jobs.
The same people who say "grow up " and mention throwing toys from prams are the worst offenders , Watch them ,
Maybe its time to get all the dirt out in the open as moving on and "forgetting " have gotten us to this point right here !!

Our president has threatened to effectively bypass the dail with a national emergency twice in the last week
Today he threatens punitive measures against IDF CO's and members who dont return within the next 10hours

Do you still think our president has your interests at heart ?

Do you still think its just a few partisan party members who are out to get our president ?

Our president has lost respect and confidence of most members of the dail ,
As a result i will be pushing the button for impeachment asap (consider this ur notice dubh , i did say i would pm you before i done this , but i just dont have that tiny bit of respect for you anymore to pm you ). I am not the only one either , im sure there will be a Q of people waiting to push that button.
Here are the reasons ,
Abuse of admin powers as leas CC,
Incompetence ,
contempt for the citizens of this country
contempt for the Dail

The appointment of BB and JJ to the current cabinet are most telling in the contempt for the people , dubh has even stated re. jj's appointment "This has been followed by some high profile resignations from the IDF, and subsequent media coverage.I was anticipating such a reaction"
Expected a reaction and yet still went ahead and done it

**** oh just incase you missed my article on election day heres a snippet ******
Will Dubh make a Great president ? , Ok lets not raise the bar too high .
Will Dubh make a good president ?

I dont think he will , In all ive seen of dubh and in our many , lets call them conversations , in the forums, i have never found dubh to be approachable .
Never found him to be accepting of criticism (im not talking personal), always believe's that he's right and if you dont agree then thats a personal affront.
He is also quick to anger .
These are not the traits a President of the country needs, Some might not agree with me .And im sure that Dubh has tried to change this especially after the spiteful ad's he ran against our current President in a previous election................................ .......

Castaneda the soothsayer , now accepting cc's and pieces of silver in return for predictions
Above are my reasons for resigning my commission in the IDF, i felt i have been left with no other alternative . And as probably the longest serving CO in the IDF i feel all CO's have been made "impotent " under the current admin . And i have never before brought politics or personalities into the IDF .