New Parties > Old Parties.

Day 1,119, 12:00 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm


I understand many people have a lot of old memories, affiliation, loyalty etc to the old parties of Ireland. myself Included. I miss Labour and the eIrish Republican Party and all my old parties but...

We have been given an opportunity (in my opinion a blessing) to rid ourselves of all the old rivalries and all the things which have held Ireland back over and over again. (inb4jokeaboutmestealingetcetc)

The days of the IUP/IFP rivalry against the Labour were fun but its time to move one. Start-a-fresh..Meet new people who were on opposite sides before and just get to know new was of thinking.

Seriously, I ask, if not beg people to stop living in the past and embrace the future.

We have a chance to completely change this country from what it was, Am I the only one who sees this?

e-kane has already started the step back wards with his spending of 40g on a "new" party. I urge you all who are thinking about recreating those old parties of Ireland to reconsider and invest it in new plans with the government (particularly CelticTigers plan)

Just think about it.

Make a step forward not backwards.

Thank you.