New feature? YOU decide!

Day 1,981, 12:29 Published in Romania Romania by Copacescu

CHAIN SHOUT/VOTE for visibility: New feature? YOU decide!
This article is about a [small] change that would be only useful for all players. (The following lines are taken from the ticket I sent to the eRepublik team regarding this suggestion)
It would be really convenient if there was a button to prevent the accidentally consumption of Energy Bars, like the one from the battlefield which shows/hides the statistics when an enemy is defeated.
When you are about to consume an Energy Bar by mistake, there would be a warning that alerts the player if he/she wants to display that warning in the future and to eat the Energy Bar, so it isn't eaten immediately. Then a similar button like the one which shows statistics would appear; this button would reactivate that warning.

Most players are saying that the economic module should be fixed. Well, do you remember what happened in V2? That was a major update to all the game modules. Lots of players complained about it, so it was somehow removed. I'm pretty sure that's why there aren't and there shouldn't be major updates in the near future. So, how should the game evolve? The answer is slowly, adding small features and improvements one by one. Let's begin with this one. After all, even if it's the developers' job to improve the game, those who keep complaining should also try to find some realistic solutions, because we are the ones that play the game.
I also made some pictures, in order to make this idea easier to understand. (Click on them to open in new tab, better view/quality)
Before the change/the warning is enable😛

The warning is disable😛

The hover option when the warning is disable😛

The suggestions shown above might apply only on the battlefield. That's why there should also be a script (it was before, but it has been removed quite a long time ago) like the one that warns you when you are about to eat some food but you can't recover all of it.
I allow everyone to translate and/or modify this idea as long as you give the link to this article. Post in the comments any translated/modified article as long as you mention the language and/or the changes made.
Later edit:

Player: I have some suggestions.
Staff: We'll see what we can do about it.
Player: This is how you could do it, it's not very much, I'm not asking you to fix the economic module.
Staff: Thanks! We'll see what we can do about it.
Player: Excuse me, it's been a month since the last update, you must be preparing something, right?
Staff: Nope. Oh, sorry, I was talking to someone else.
Player: Yeah, sure...

That's just sad... Here, have a smiley face 🙁
CHAIN SHOUT/VOTE for visibility: New feature? YOU decide!
