Najbolje odbrane golmana !!! Best saves by goalkeeper !!!

Day 3,140, 03:33 Published in Serbia Serbia by PojiLo

Radi se o izboru za najlepšu odbranu po vašem mišljenju.
Svako ko želi da učestvuje u takmičenju mora da postavi u komentar najlepšu odbranu po njegovom mišljenju. Ulog za ucestvovanje je 10cc.
Nagrade dobijaju prve 3 obrane po mom izboru.
Nagrade su sledeće:
1. mesto - 200cc, 150 q1 hleba i 7 q7 tenkova
2. mesto - 50cc, 100 q1 hleba i 5 q7 tenkova
3. mesto - 10cc, 50 q1 hleba i 1 q7 tenk
Traje 2 dana!

Ostavite vote i podelite!!!

Najlepše odbrane !!! Nagrade!!!

Competition for the best saves in your opinion.
Anyone who wants to participate in the competition must leave in a comment the best saves in his opinion. The stakes for taking place is 10cc.
Award goes to the first 3 saves of my choice.
Prizes are as follows:
1 place - 200cc, 150 Q1 food and 7 Q7 tanks
2 place - 50cc, 100 Q1 food and 5 Q7 tanks
3 place - 10cc, 50 Q1 food and 1 Q7 tank.
Last 2 days!

Leave a vote and shout!

Best saves !!! Awards!