My Congressional Platform

Day 850, 14:19 Published in Canada Canada by Auk Rest

(^ Vote this guy [Auk Rest] in New Brunswick on the 25th, Canada!)

Hello, I'm Auk Rest and I plan on running for New Brunswick again these elections for Canadian Progressive Front . I failed by one vote last time, and I'm running here again. I think I'm qualified for a congressional seat, and here's why:


I'm level 17, and quickly approaching level 18 and have been with Canada for a big portion of this time. I've not once fought against Canada or our allies. I've been here long enough to know how things work and I cannot contribute farther to eCanada without becoming a congress member! I've lived in Finland, Greece and Australia (all for about a week each) and I know about things and the impact on a world scale.


If any congressman is trying to sneak by this issue, they aren't doing a good job. One side says that all of Canada's titanium should be ours and not to be shared with the USA. I don't see too many really bad reasons to let the United States have just one of our titanium regions, except the fact we'll look like a pawn to the United States on the world scale and will be subject to Hungarian/Serbian trolls.

Keeping our titanium isn't bulletproof, though, we may not have the resources to use all of it. Canada is not a small nation, but we are also not a gigantic nation like Poland. Surely we have enough people who are going to rush to titanium in our first couple of months, and then likely be flooded by foreign company owners trying to make some money.

The Titanium issue is one that has no clear cut 'winner' or a side that has better points than another. We have no idea what titanium will turn out to be in V2. All we can do is speculate, and some speculation is obviously going to cause sides to be formed and enemies to come. We need to know more about V2 before we go into any sort of 'plan' mode.

For now, until more information is released, I oppose renting our regions.


In conclusion I think I am well-qualified to make it into congress and I believe have the common sense to get things done. Make sure to get to New Brunswick to vote Auk Rest of Canadian Progressive Front on the 25th!