My Choice - Tenshibo for President

Day 1,322, 13:33 Published in South Africa South Africa by OKayOK

I’m an Independent Alternative guy, have been for a long time. I love the party and this article is not meant as a stab at the Party. The fact is, the parties chosen candidate for President, although a great candidate is not who I will be voting for and I will explain why!

Power of the Pen
My vote is powerful, elections are the lifeblood of a country and can determine the success of the nation or its destruction. I vote as my conscience dictates.

The parties chosen candidate is not MY chosen candidate
The party runs a sub-election to determine the feeling within the party. The IA did this, but the election ran very close. I believe that anyone in the IA should be free to vote for whomever they choose based on this. Yes, they have a chosen candidate, but it only represents the feeling of the party by a few votes.

My chosen candidate

I am voting for Tenshibo. The player has constantly impressed me over the past months. I feel that the player would do well at the helm and I think he deserve the opportunity. You get the superstars who come and go, and then you get the players who work month after month for the betterment of the nation. I believe him to be one of them.

My take on it
If you not voting Tenshibo, you not voting, so VOTE