My candidacy for presidency (May 2020)

Day 4,544, 14:27 Published in Switzerland Slovenia by lviz Fer

Swiss friends and people around the world.

I am lviz Fer, long standing swiss citizen (6 years now, time flies), current MoD, 32 times elected congressman in Switzerland, with a lot of experience and reliance gained through the years.
Today I want to announce officially my intentions to be CP for the month of May. I hope an exciting and just race. I gladly have the support of the Swiss Freedom Party, they have always backed me, I want to thank them for giving me this opportunity.

Switzerland is doing great thanks to stable politics and strong domestic and foreign relationships, my main goal for the month will be to keep our current status and keep growing as a small but strong nation.

To achieve this, I want to fully implement a couple of programs that the current administration is discussing, these programs will help our citizens to be more efficient fighters in aerial and ground battles. A more active military player base means in the long term a more economically active country benefiting our producers.

Politically we are already a strong nation, with great exponents and good foundations, keeping such an important political scene is great for us all, plurality and acceptance of all respectful and based point of views will always be a part of my term.

Unfortunately, in recent days, tef1 did some obnoxious actions that bother the majority of us, he has been accusing without any fundament our friendly party The Alliance Royale Suisse and his members of a supposed country take over and disruption of democracy, when clearly it isn’t the case. He sent a natural enemy law against France breaking our constitution and raising concern from our allies. And he is also commenting in articles from my friends to do self-campaign with the excuse of supporting me.

I want to make clear that I don’t support any of his actions, in fact, he is treating with the unity of our country, and that is something that I hate, I came to Switzerland to be part of a great and united community, a community that has changed a lot trough the years, but always keeping a sense of comradeship. Someone like him does not fit our way of enjoying this game.

Sincerely yours.

Lviz Fer.