Mu Payouts Day 1674

Day 1,674, 12:29 Published in South Africa Brazil by Crumoet

Good Day All,

40% of our income for the last full 7 days available - 84,750.24

Payments made based on damage done and rank points gained in the MU

* eSAAF: 15,788.55

* Red Army: 24,082.00

* Kommando: 10,475.25

* RECCE's: 7,949.85

* Dignity Brigade: 7,926.32

* eSAAF Young Guns 3,276.05

* Community League Militia: 6,032.63

* Republican Guards: 3,997.52

* Psychedelic Unicorn Rangers: 3,527.69

* War Hawks: 1,694.36

So payments will be made shortly to Mu commanders... Lets put this money to good use!

