MoIF Report 10/11/09

Day 721, 23:06 Published in Australia Australia by eAus Department of Information

First, we would like to congratulate Cerridwen Voeland on her historic election, becoming the first eFemale Prime Minister in eAustralia.

Next, a few hours ago, Indonesia declared war on Malaysia. As members of Sol, it is our duty to help our brothers from Malaysia. Citizens and military personnel are urged to keep updated with the Ministry of Defence article.

Finally, the Ministry of Information would like to apologize for not releasing an article after the Prime Minister elections. A full report, detailed with the recent proposals within the Senate, will be released withing the next day or two.

That is all from the Ministry of Information, our condolences to the people of Australia for not reporting to you sooner, and don't forget to keep updated with the Ministry of Defence.

~Corey Blake~
Minister of Information