MODA program is back!

Day 2,453, 01:47 Published in South Africa South Africa by Tifonus

Hello people of the sand (no i will not say black ) continent.

Admins failed to fix economy and we saw that you are unhappy without moda programs of helping poor players

There for official govermant of South Africa has decided to make 1 program for helping poor people.

We are making a govermant salary...every player that is involved in govermant will get the salary. That includes Ministers and Country President.

Salary will be payed by number of days.

Country President - 650cc per day
Prime Minister - 500cc per day
Minister of Defense - 500cc per day
Minister of Foreign Affairs - 500cc per day
Governor - 500cc per day
Minister of Education - 500cc per day

This way we fixed economy and helped a lot of players to develop.

Thank you for trusting in us and electing us every month.

Sincerly yours Tifonus o7