Moar on the Man-ifesto

Day 1,080, 14:50 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm


Foreign Affairs - This month will be extremely important in the MoFA area. We will need to be in full co-operation with our allies (especially Canada, and the United States.) I plan on a full scale invasion of the United Kingdom and to do this we will need our allies support, We have proven our worth already we just need to keep pushing.

We don't need to waste further gold on any more MPP's, I understand people seem to think the more MPP's the better but in actual fact once we get war and we have a solid Ally base we should and are okay. The Croatian and US MPP (as we have seen) brings with it many wars and gives us great training for any home invasion or expansion.

I would also like to get a MPP with our brothers Canada so if the invasion of England is built on from Scotland, Canada front we will be directly involved in the war.

Finance and Industry - I will be removing the division of MoF and MoInd and bring back the old MoFI, We will need serious stock piling of High Quality food in order to prevent any drastic increase in prices and decrease in stock levels. We will operate a food company separate to the IDF's. We need to prepare for a full scale war, the last advancement (Northern Ireland) was a wake up call, We saw how fast our markets were drained and we need a way of counter-acting this.

North Dakota, There have been many people recently questioning the importance of North Dakota. Some people went as far to say that we should allow the Resistance War to be lost. I whole heartedly dis-agree. North Dakota is not only for an economic purpose, it was a way for Ireland to show its worth for both Eden and our ally countries, it showed what we are willing to risk for the betterment of our Alliance and for the over all defense of all Allied Nations, We risked our home regions so that Poland could "into" the US and we gained respect from this which will be re-payed when the time comes, I'm sure.

Thanks for all the support so far.

And remember, Vote for Orangejuicemmm on the 5th