Ministry of Community

Day 1,813, 06:36 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by Muz1

First of all i would like to Congratulate TheJakal for winning the Presidential elections. I wish him the Best of Luck in his career as President of Pakistans and sincerely hope he lives up to or even better than our expectations.
Now as you would already know that i have been assigned the task of Minsiter of Community and would be holding some Prize competitions. YAY!
This project would include Quizes

Meme Competitions

And Much more is coming your way so Behold!
These competitions will have some great prizes so dont miss them 😮
I also have one request from the senior players of ePakistan. Please donate some prizes which would be given out. They should be in terms of food or weapons. Thank you!

Muhammad Usaama Zia/Muz1/Muz97
Minister of Community ePakistan
Editor-in-Chief The Muz Times
Member of Democratic Party of Pakistan