Minister of Information Introduction

Day 656, 10:24 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

Good Day eIreland, Sláinte chugat!

I am Donovan Thomas your newly appointed Minister of Information. I would like to congratulate President Patton and say good show to his fellow candidates. You should all be proud of your professionalism and class.

I would further like to say congratulations to his other cabinet members. It is humbling to be in the presence of so much talent and dedication!

This will be the last issue of my newspaper, Cork and Whine for the duration of my tenure as MoInfo as I believe it a conflict of interest for me to publish in the private sector as well as public. Unless otherwise ordered I will utilize this newspaper as an interim conduit of information to the eIrish populace until such time as the previous Minister is able to surrender the key's to the org and in doing so will change the name and avatar to reflect the shift.

I have requested the services of B-dayan as my deputy and believe she will make an outstanding right hand in the event I am temporarily unable to perform my duties.

I share our Presidents desire for non-partisan government and unity of purpose and fully support his overreaching mission to improve and enrich eIreland. We are a diverse nation and should celebrate our diversity; our differences make us stronger by providing more solutions to the myriad of challenges that face us in this new world.

In closing I will reiterate my congratulations and thanks to President Patton. I look forward with great pride to providing eIreland with reliable, timely and useful data. Please feel free to use the email address below my signature as well as PM and comments.

Gura slán an scéalai!

Very Respectfully,

Donovan Thomas
eIrish Minister of Information