Military Revamps

Day 741, 17:20 Published in Japan USA by Dokomo

One of the things I want to work on next month is a Military revamp and evaluation so let me begin with the definition of revamp, which Smily seems to have taken offense to.

Revamp: an act or instance of restructuring, reordering, or revising something; overhaul

And that's really what I want to see done with the JIA. Unlike Reform(: the improvement or amendment of what is wrong, corrupt, unsatisfactory, etc.) I believe that the JIA has the tools, the people, and the battles it needs to be a force for Righteousness. My concern is getting the tools to the people and the people to the battles.

Over the past month, I can't begin to count the times I have heard people asking for weapons in the military IRC. I think we need to come up with an organized heirarchy of leaders in the JIA who are willing to take charge of units and work on maintaining our storage depots. These quartermasters, trusted people, can then ship out the weapons our soldiers need on demand, since we will have more people available at any time to do so.

Next we need to get people into battle in an orderly fashion. Using the script that Minamoto started is a beginning, and should be adapted for modern JIA usage. We also need to make sure that more of our soldiers are active via IRC, PM's and email. One way of testing our readiness would be to hold drills where KITA sends out orders and asks people to report in as soon as they hear about them. Based on people's reaction times we can determine how best to get ahold of our soldiers individually.

Finally, I think that the JIA organizations need a bit of restructuring. It's easy for me to tell our mobile troops to go fight, but in reality, that can pull people from the JIA and JIN. I would suggest to KITA that we move all home guard personnel to the JIN and those that are not tied to Japan by political office to the JIA. Soldiers with elite status and those working for JIA companies or other active owners that can move on short notice can be stationed with Teishin Shudan and the JIAF. Out of this we need to grab people who are interested in being active squad leaders and empower them to track soldiers battle damage and weapon usage. Along with all of this, google docs can be created to help track our military organization.