Might of the Mobile Infantry

Day 575, 15:35 Published in USA USA by Not Done Never

Today I am writing about a select branch of the eUSA Armed Forces: The Mobile Infantry.

The MI is the moving forces of our National Guard. We aren't as strong as the Marines, the Airborne, or the Army. But what we lack in strength, we make up in numbers, communication, and a common goal.

We have hundred of soldiers in the MI. As a whole, we can cause considerable damage. Consider our recent accomplishments. We, along with the Airborne and Marines, traveled to Turkey and freed 4 regions from the Turkish oppressors and returned them to their rightful owners. We were 4/4 there! The Indo tanks and Hungarian troops didn't know what hit them. That shows how much of an effect we make. During our stay in Turkey, we controlled their Top 5 News board. We swarmed the nation and forced them to stop oppressing Greeks. Our numbers dictated that battle.

The MI is as much a brotherhood (plus some sisters) then it is a military branch. I currently employ 4 MI personnel in my companies. If someone needs help, we just log on to the IRC and ask for it. In the last couple of days, I've been gifted multiple times without anyone asking for anything in exchange. My comrades-in-arms are there to help me and the rest of our troops in our defense of the eUSA and its allies. And all this is possible through our flawless communication. Our forums are constantly updated with our battle orders. Troops make sure to check orders before doing anything. This allows us to effectively attack anywhere we are needed and it gives us a huge strategic advantage. Having a couple hundred Infantrymen ready to attack at any moment is a considerable threat. In-game, we PM with our comrades and our CO's are always willing to help. If you're next in command isn't available, the higher up's are always willing to help you. This communication and brotherhood makes the MI what it is.

And then there is the common goal. We realize that there are people out there who hate us right now. We know that many of them are stronger than us. But we also know that we will defeat them in the name of the eUnited States of America. We know our responsibilities. That's what makes sure we check our orders everyday. That's what makes sure we maintain our wellnesses. As a whole, we know what we want. And we make sure we get it.

The Mobile Infantry is a strategic force for the eUSA. We can attack anwhere, anytime. And when we attack, we drop the hammer. I am proud to have served in the Mobile Infantry and look foward to many more successful missons.

If you are interested in joining and think you have what it takes, PM me and I'll direct you to the right people.

Always On the Bounce,
Not Done Never
Infantryman, Alpha Eight, Mobile Infantry