Midnight Questions: einberliner

Day 1,074, 08:12 Published in Ireland Cuba by Harrilal

De robber rides again!
It was a dark an’ stormy night an’ I was searchin’ for somet’ing sweet. Mih eyes came upon a donut. However, inspiration struck. Raddah dan eat it, I decided to interview it! Today, Midnight Questions is proud to present ten questions wit’ einberliner.

Evenin', einberliner. Figured ah'd start off wit' a selfish question for mih own benefit. Ah've been out of action for quite some time. In yuh opinion, if you was to pick t'ree events dat happened since March dat I HAVE to know about, what would dey be?

Well V2 and the backpedal (or should that be backpedals?) that ensued after it would definitely have to be on there. War changed completely twice, and in part a couple of other times (and we all know the war's what I worry about). We had our second female president in the lovely Christina, which as one of the few girls around here I was pleased to see, and third.... well to be honest I've been mostly absent the past few weeks myself. My own one year anniversary 😛 lol.

What advice would yuh give to a new player today?

Same as I would have through most of my time here - don't be shy, get to know people and don't bother about what others think of them. There have been highly popular people in the game I personally didn't have much time for while quieter people, including a few that I'd heard others slate, pretty much made my time here worth it. I've gotten along well with people I disagreed with and not so well with some of the people whose views I shared, and that's fine. This game only works (for me) if you really dive into the social side. Also don't feel like if you take on politics, for example, you can't then go hardcore soldier instead, or vice versa, or both. I started in politics and wound up a warmonger. Basically put yourself out there and find where you're comfortable.

Would yuh say dat it is easier, harder, or exactly de same route to get a Battle Hero Medal nowadays?

Haven't tried for one in forever, to be honest with you. I've heard people say it's easier but haven't made the attempt - my two are from back of the day lol.

What do yuh t'ink of de Irish Citizen Army?

I have no beef with it at all. My opinions have varied throughout it's life - I still sometimes find myself concerned that we're spliting our resources in a country this small but really it seems to have worked pretty well overall, I've had some great craic on the battlefield with some of them lads.

Any immediate plans besides de regular 2-click routine at de moment?

Not right now, honestly. I had some computer issues a couple of months ago - first time I was off of the time for any length of time at all in more than a year around here (it about a week of total nothing) that followed a period of vaguer computer issues that meant I wasn't quite as involved as in the past. When I got back I had to catch up with some RL stuff from when the comp was down and it took another couple of weeks for me to be ready to get back into eRep - when I did I got kind of disheartened.

I realised that though I'd missed basically a month, one week entirely and two others as barely a two-clicker plus other random stuff, there were pretty much the exact same arguments going on as there had always been and I could more or less predict what would be in the news. That put me off a bit, sad to say. I also had several messages but none were checking in to see why I'd gone AWOL, they were all people wanting something lol. Kind of made me realise most of my close friends on here have wandered off - mostly due to V2. I wouldn't rule out a return of the Donut (hence still two-clicking and no big 'why I'm leaving' article) but right now it doesn't really appeal, no.

Connell Rat' is we current president. He doin' a good job?

I'll be honest I couldn't possibly comment, I haven't been around enough in his term to know for sure.

Is dere anyt'ing you would see him change?

The things I'd like to see change it'd take more than one pres. to deal with. I'd like to see a little more team spirit and unity around here, to be honest.

An elephant an' a rhinoceros have a swimmin' race. Which do you t'ink would win?

Oh definitely the elephant, no doubt about it lol.

If yuh were about to write yuh very last sentence in eRepublik, what would you say?

I want to say 'so long, and thanks for all the fish' because it's an oldie but a goodie (there's a reason classics are classics) but probably, "I came, I saw, I conquered taytos."

Finally, how do yuh feel about all de EDEN hype?

Honestly, probably no surprise given my others, I'm kind of apathetic to it. There's always drama somewhere... I'm just happy with my boom boom sticks and some good comrades really.

Well t'anks kindly for takin' de time to answer all mih questions. As always, de interview guests get de last word. Anyt'ing you'd like to share wit' de readers, by all means. Have at it.

See anytime anyone says something like that to me I want to tell bad jokes.
So, for example: Do you hear about the fella who went to the zoo and the only exhibit was a dog?
It was a shiatzu.

It’s that time again, ladies and gentlemen!
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Step right up!
Come see the freak show that is Ask Harrilal!

PimpDollaz asks, “In your opinion, who is the greatest Calypsonian of all time?”
This question is unfair to many calypsonians who are all great in one way or another; Bomber, Black Stalin, Duke, Spoiler, Crazy, Terror, Pretender, Calypso Rose, Roaring Lion, Growling Tiger, Shortpants, Shorty, David Rudder, and the list goes on and on and on. However, put a gun to my head and I would have to say the Grandmaster of Calypso, Lord Kitchener. Others would argue that it is the Mighty Sparrow or Chalkdust, due to their many Calypso Monarch titles, but you asked for my opinion, not theirs.

Despite only winning the Calypso Monarch crown once, he is widely accepted as the greatest. There’s a reason he was called the Grandmaster, after all. Ask any calypsonian today and they will say that he influenced them (even the Mighty Sparrow). He commanded the respect of every single one of them. To put it in perspective, bitter enemies Sugar Aloes and Cro Cro shared the stage to honour him. He sang a love song and won the Road March, which is normally reserved for “jump up and wine” songs. He crafted many songs specifically for the national instrument (steel pan) and helped prove the instrument’s viability. Everything he said, sang and did, even his more risqué songs, was done with pure class.

I will cut it here (I could write much more, and in detail on this)… For these reasons and more, I believe Aldwyn Roberts, Lord Kitchener was the greatest calypsonian of all time.

Anaille Kolshire asks, “Which came first, the chicken or St. James Gate brewery???”
The chicken.

John Gormley asks, “Why did you come back to this stupid God-forsaken game?”
I enjoy the game, John. I enjoy talking to the folks around here. Even when I am being deceived by ePoliticians or being robbed by eGeneral Managers, it is just a game. I’ve not spent any money on the game and if I ever find it un-enjoyable, I will quit at the drop of a hat. For now, it keeps me sufficiently entertained.

MoonBeam asks, “What if I dont have a question?”
Then don’t ask one, dear Moon. Luckily for you, you had a question, eh?

Edana Savage asks, “Did you miss me?”
It was as though I was dried out and crumbling to dust in the middle of the Sahara. Then, at the sight of you, the clouds came to bring cool winds and soothing rain. I dropped to my knees and thanked the heavens for allowing me to worship at the feet of Edana once more. All glory to… wait... um… too far?

And that’s five!
Remember folks! The first five (5) questions asked in the comments of this article, will be answered in my next article!
Thanks for reading!

Classifieds and Personals
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The classifieds and personals are not an indication of Harrilal’s personal, political, religious or social affiliation.

Looking for love. It’s lonely at the top.
Can provide all the cookies you could dream of.
Call 2011761 for details.

Hardened veteran searching for company.
Discuss the advantages of high heeled boots during wartime.
Willing to whip anyone into shape.
Text HEELS to 1325551.

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The classifieds and personals are not an indication of Harrilal’s personal, political, religious or social affiliation.

Important eIrish links
Ministry of Defense – Military enlistment, orders and announcements.
Ministry of Foreign Affairs - Announcements on foreign policy and country reports from ambassadors
Ministry of New Citizens - Guides, information and general assistance for new players.
Ministry of Community - National awards, lotteries and other fun stuff.
Ministry of Education - Learn about eIreland.
Ministry of Health - Health programs and announcements for new players.

eIrish National Forums - Register to see public congress discussions, air your own opinions and meet/make friends with your fellow eIrish.

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