Merci Beaucoup, 'Murika!

Day 2,287, 02:26 Published in Canada Canada by Xander Kross

Québec has been returned to its rightful owners. Once again, ALL HAIL RYLDE AS YOUR NEW GOD.

The eUSA has declared eCanada its natural enemy, and rightly so. We want American blood, and will continue to spill it on every possible front. Their foolish occupation of Japan has given us one more battle front from which to attack, and given them yet another angry enemy with whom they must contend. I encourage every Canadian to aid our Japanese comrades in their efforts to oust the American devils.

After wresting New Brunswick from their greedy hands, we have now liberated our Francophone brothers. A fitting end to Carnaval de Québec.

That white stuff is snow. If more of you American fools knew what that was, perhaps you would be less terrible at hockey.

Of course, this is certain to set American blood a-boiling. They hated us yesterday enough to declare us a Natural Enemy. They will hate us even more tomorrow when we continue to rub our victory in their piggy little faces.

Haters gonna hate.

It's been a rough week for the pathetic Americans. First, we took New Brunswick. Then we destroyed them on the ice in Sochi. Twice.

Ah, my bad. That one is from the previous Winter Olympics, where we also destroyed them on the ice. Twice. Here's the more recent victory photo:

The American women's team fared better than their pathetic men, who failed to qualify for bronze - they were bested by the noble Finns. The American reaction?


- UPDATE - Our lads put on a gold-medal performance as well. This was a foregone conclusion, of course, but at the time of this writing, there were as yet no photos of it. Besides, the Americans had already been humiliated utterly.

One might almost feel bad for them. But then, one has only to remember the sheer arrogance, ignorance and disrespect they have shown us over the past long while. One has only to remember a few short months ago when eUSA was almost entirely conquered by Poland. We helped them reclaim their land, state by pathetic state. Now that they have their own land back, now that they have been returned to a position of power (due in part to our aid), they ally with their former conquerors, and call us enemy.

It is not spite we show them when we destroy Americans in battle, though spite they have earned, and in spades. It is mercy - the mercy one shows to a rabid dog, which needs to be put out of its misery before it harms anything else around it.

Their unwillingness to see reason (or to be reasoned with) puts strain on their allies. eSpain, facing difficulties back home, was willing to make a deal with us in regards to our lands which they now occupy. It was to be a friendly-type deal, where Canadians would benefit. But Wild Owl and his cabinet demanded otherwise, and our relations with eSpain remain hostile and tense. I've no love for eSpain, but I would have rather made a deal with the Spanish devils and taken their money than have the brass-balled Americans make a decision for us.

They've no integrity, no honour, and now... no Québec.

*EDIT - corrected for proper English spelling.

- UPDATE - Apparently there is much butthurt in the south, and they make an attempt to steal our lands once again. Our will is strong, our allies stand ready. Stand firm for your brothers and RESIST!