Manifesto of Arllina for CP of eNew Zealand

Day 2,387, 09:15 Published in New Zealand Serbia by Arllina

Kia Ora eKiwis

In a few days is the country president elections. I am running as one of the candidates. What follows is what I intend to do during the month of June.

1. Foreign Affairs

This months priority will be renewing the NAP with Chile. Our relations with them have vastly improved since they wiped us a while back after we natural enemy them. Currently we are at 3 of our 4 regions due to some talks last month. They are a superior force to us and friendly relations are in our best interests.

We have fair relations with Macedonia our other neighbour which I will look to improve upon. As with Chile they are a superior force and we will be looking to improve the relations between our countries.

Our mpp with Serbia will be renewed. We have good relations with this nation who have often given us help when we really needed it.

2. Military

I will not be looking to pick a fight with any of our neighbors which is the only option we currently have, it can only end badly. If we can get enough people to chip in for an airstrike we can consider that route.

I will however have an organised fight every week where weapons for food fights will be supplied on our channel to Kiwi citizens to fight in a designated battle. We have the resources to do this. More details later on this.

3. General

A group of people will be gathered to discuss how to improve our nation and make it more interesting for the people living here. If any experienced players would like to be a part of it they can send me a pm and friends request.

I am an experienced player besides appearances and know the full history of this nation of ours. I come with both experience and knowledge of what our past governments have been doing up till this point and can carry us forward to continued existence in this game.

CP Candidate of eNew Zealand