Manifesto for a brighter Sweden

Day 410, 05:27 Published in Sweden Sweden by Radsoc

In the upcoming elections the outcome is clearer than ever. With the FBS-candidate having four parties behind him (Purjo, Expansionist, DIN, FBS), he has support by more parties than ever before.

But is this cooperation going to last? The leadership of DIN has resorted to wishful thinking in their hopes to gain liberation, because there is a solid majority against danish independence in the much bigger FBS, Purjo and Expansionist parties. Do you as members of the supporting parties think that all four parties can get what they want? DIN wants danish freedom, while purjo and expansionist party does not.

So in conclusion, FBS has a clever deal where they know they're going to fool someone. But who is it going to be?

It shows they are just interested in the amount of votes, they have no interest in political content. I therefore urge all members of DIN and others to vote for the only remaining parties that work for danish/german freedom. That is MSAP and DNS. Your leaders have been blinded by the lust for power.

Why vote for me? Firstly, I do not just talk, I act. I have a solid understanding of the economy. Furthermore, I have experience and many international contacts. Unnecessary wars can be avoided, but of course MSAP and I are no pacifists, which the Militia we founded that is currently fighting in Russia shows. Violence is a solution, but it has to be the last one tried.

Moreover, we represent the interests of the working-class. That is probably 90% of all players. Our politics will make life better for them, and thus this country will get stronger.

Why not vote for the government? The economy is a wreck. The government blamed their candidate-mess on a "bug", and has no credibility. In the last few months the government has been leading us on a road of decline.

The government represent the interests of the private elite, the corporations. That is also why they are anti-state ownership solutions. The politicians are mostly company owners, and vote for things just in a way that maximizes profit.

What am I going to do about it?

-I do not want to abolish private enterprise, because that cannot be made in this game. However, I want to introduce new ownership alternatives.
-I want to make it easier for people to found cooperatives, by subsidizing such projects.
-I want to introduce state-ownership in all sectors to increase freedom of choice.

That way people can choose if they want to work for a private owner, for themselves or for all. Today profits all go to some private owner, in the MSAP model people can choose to buy from state owned alternatives or cooperatives. In these ownership models profits go back to the employees or are expressed as lower prices.

This is the only way to guarantee good prices and avaliability at all times. It is also a first step toward housing for all and toward abolished starvation.

Foreign Policy:
-I want Sweden to leave the sinking ATLANTIS, and establish a new anti-imperialist international alliance.
-I want to support liberation- and anti-imperialist wars all over the globe. Swedish gold and troops should guarantee peace, freedom and independence world-wide.

-I want a rapid construction of Q5 hospitals and defence systems in all regions.
-I want a strong anti-imperalist defence.

I predict that Swedish imperialism will decline in a near future as Sweden is a country that lacks the power to keep long wars up. Our neighbours grow stronger, but their memories of Swedish imperialism remain. Our foreign policies and military actions have to be respectful and we have to treat others as we want to be treated ourselves. The war in France shows that the power of Sweden is on a decline, and the damage it did to the economy has still not been recovered.

Finally, if you want a much more interesting gameplay, vote for me. If not, then vote for a government that has been ruling us with little or no change and an increased amount of inefficiency and tiredness for the last 8 months.