Love Belgium

Day 3,045, 08:21 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom by Aleksandar.V Popovic

Dear readers of eUK and eBelgium today is sad day for 2 our friendly countries and if you want for entire Europe we know.As you probably heard 2 terorrist attacks on our friendly allie and good buddy country eBelgium/Belgium(RL,Brussels) happend unpresented and unimaginable tragedy.

I know that this article can"t bring back your loved ones,nor to fixed things up,but it can remind us that we are humans,whether in this game or in real life.
Islamisation of Europe took casulties through all Europian countries.Last year terrorist attacks in France,this year Belgium.Who is the next?.

My condolences to the decesist of your loved ones and to your relatives.UK thinks of you Belgium you wont be forgotten.This terrorist attacs could happend anywhere,even in my native country Serbia,Belgrade(from which I am in real life).

Make peace not war,and certainly not revenage.Revenage is dangerous.Doesn"t help to get revenge enemies(ISIS) but it will help stop terrorism,because doesn"t know bounderies.

My LOVE for Belgium

Aleksandar-Alex V.Popovic