Looking Back & Looking Forward

Day 2,284, 18:28 Published in USA USA by Captain Recks
Hello and Welcome to This Is My Country. I wrote this article about my last term and my new term as Party President of the Socialist Freedom Party.

Reflecting on these last few weeks in the Party of True Freedom I must say, The Activity in the party has been low. But as PP that is one thing I am wanting to destroy. Few of the things that could rejuvenate this Party is Newbies, Citizens Fresh to the New World and exited to make a difference. Erep Babies struggle with finances from time to time, So I Recreated the SFP Newbie Supply Program, in which Newbies can receive supplies Daily, from Me or Shiloh13. The Talk on the Party Wall was peaked as the PP Elections drew near and when a certain talkative someone joined our party for a few days, and it was encouraging to see the party start chatting again. I finally joined IRC (after busily writing my CP Platform then Realizing because of too many candidates I was bumped out of the elections) and thought that for right now the SFP Chat wasn't really needed because we have the Party Wall and The Forum already. We could start it back up again later, but for now I think we should focus on our other projects.

As I read the history of the Socialist Freedom Party I stumbled across the SFP Communes. It sounded great but the part that snagged my attention was the revival PQ started. Yeah it wasn't like the old communes, but it was really interesting. So I was thinking about starting PQ's stock program up again. Not like the stock that the former PP was doing but Monetary Stocks, SFP Members (or whoever) would donate CC or Gold (either one would work) to the Money Transferrers after filling out a form showing how much they invested and then when prices go up we sell the gold, pay back the money then keep the some of the profits and do again. About Half would go to the Supporters and Half to the Funds.

There is a future for the SFP, but with no one to create that future there won't be a future so I encourage citizens to join the Party Of True Freedom.

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