Look an interesting article!

Day 1,389, 19:54 Published in USA USA by Bucephalus92

Greetings dear readers, I hope this night finds you doing something cool, helping out a bro perhaps?

Today's agenda
-Stats, and how there killing writers and articles alike
-Results of the Canadian-Japanese war
-Analysis of the plan to wipe Spain

Stats, ya there really cool, but do they stifle the media? My answer is yes, go ahead and take a look at the warfare analysis page, yup literally not a single article that analyses any of the ongoing wars that we are involved in, or wars that we could potential end up in. All you will find if you look at the "Warfare analysis" page is a bunch of stats sheets for various Military Units who think they are really cool. Don't get me wrong the ability to see the stats for you Military Unit and thus gauge the affect you and your friends are having on the battle raging around us is a great feature, but it is not warfare analysis. Not only are you posting something where it doesnt belong, but you are inadvertantly stifling actual warfare analysis and by extension, those who would actually write warfare analysis. This is because when you post one of yur stat sheets in warfare analysis and have all your MU buds vote it up, you are giving new players the wrong idea about what warfare analysis is supposed to be and when people actually write warfare analysis articles they will often be overlooked because an MU voted its stat sheet to the top. Conclusion? people need to stop posting their stat sheets in warfare analysis, I dont mind the articles themselves, if posting them helps your group unity and gives you a sense of accomplishment then thats fine, but post it somewhere else.

Results of the Candian-Japanese war, yes I am going to keep harping on about this until Canada gets its head out of its ass, seriously France has one region, Germany has none, Ireland has one, and even though your allies are suffering and could use your help you thought to yourself, "I think Ill go start a war with a nuetral country thats weaker than me, just cause I can, and then I'll lose said war"...niiiiice

Some of you may have seen this article http://www.erepublik.com/en/article/whpr-day1388-hey-spain-u-mad--1859572/1/20, which articulates a plan to wipe Spain, I have to voice my opposition to this plan for one very simple reason, its just not necessary. If we want to hurt Spain economically we could just cut off the rest of their regions from their capital, we would only have to take three regions and then we could focus our efforts on helping France and Germany. Besides Brazil would be wasting damage in battles and resistance wars that literally accomplish nothing. I also disagree with this plan based on one of the primary reasons that the white house press report showcases, butthurt, why is everyone so annoyed that Spain went to a different alliance? We created Terra basically because we were bored with the two alliance system, is Spain really so evil just because they don't share our ADD?

Thats it for tonight folks, if you thought it was an interesting read then remember to Vote, Shout, and Subscribe.