Day 2,630, 14:28 Published in Ireland Indonesia by Fitzgerald.13

A few hour ago i’ve read an article. Because of it i wrote this article. Yes, i’m just a new citizen in eIreland, i'm come from eIndonesia. But let me speak freely with my article. As Comrade Lenin said “ Everyone is free to write and say whatever he likes, without any restrictions. But every voluntary association (including the party) is also free to expel members who use the name of the party to advocate anti-party views. Freedom of speech and the press must be complete. But then freedom of association must be complete too.”

Now, we go to the main topic “the partisan opposition”. My first question is “ Whether democracy prevails in eIreland? ”. If the answer is yes, So the opposition must be exist. One of the components in the state of democracy which distinguishes them with the non democracy is existence of opposition elements. Because opposition could become counterbalance and controller for the goverment works in the state. So that government and the state can be prevented to not fall into abuse of power. Therefore, the opposition is one of the essential elements to build strong democracies country.

Opposition should not need to worry and then to be afraid to accept his presence. Instead, the strength of the opposition to keep implementation of the democracies goes well and democratic. The opposition can generally be understood as groups of forces that want to control and correct a Government policy which is considered mistaken or wrong. There are also some who interpret it as a power merely opposed to any policy measures from the goverment, without considering whether such policies are still in an authority or abuse of power. Whatever understanding of the opposition, Opposition is one of the actual form of dissent in the community in the process of national and state. Then the problem is, can we as a nation to manage a difference of this oppinion? Either between individuals, between community, between citizen and goverment, And more specifically between the opposition and the ruling.

Willingness to correct and critics, willingness to be corrected and criticized, and willingness to different opinion this is as a key opening for entering the gate of democracy. That is why the existence of opposition is important for democracy and every democracy must have opposition, Though not all opposition capable of enforcing democracy. But without opposition, This democracy was threatened or actually will died because of rulers should be controlled in a democracy. The Goverment cannot be allowed to work its own because power tends to deviate. Those who are in power could be trapped in abuse of power. So it must be supervised and controlled by existance groups of the opposition.

Opposition means do the political supervision over political power that can be wrong and be true. When goverment make a mistake, the opposition functioning is to tell the public about that mistake and build opposition and resistance to it. Otherwise, When goverment perform them function properly, The opposition must build awareness and action of the public to ask for the continuance and the consistency of the practice of the truth.

So, does the opposition still be a problem for you? Until you should complain and so emotionally because of they existence.

Best Regards,
