
Day 1,311, 21:36 Published in China Romania by Naufragiatu

The role of leadership/Rolul clasei conducatoare

Versiunea in romana mai jos.

Well, it is crystal clear, isn’t it ? Any country’s leadership has the role to do the will of it’s people, right ? I mean… we don’t have kings and emperors, who are rulers by gift from God. We, actually, live in some sort of democracy ( big bullshit, but that’s another topic ). Although what I’m about to write may be valid for both eRep and RL ( real life – I know some of us have never heard of such blasphemy), I’ll semi-concentrate on eRep.

We have party president elections, we have congress elections, and the greatest of all, we have country president elections. Elections over elections, where the will of the people turns the tide ( I’ll ignore clones as we can either say all elections are clean, either all elections are crooked and all candidates take advantage of them in a smaller or larger manner, whichever makes you feel warmer inside ).

And once elected, the electees have the moral obligation to do what they promised, to do their best so that their electorate to evolve. Again I will choose to ignore certain aspects such as candidating for the medal, in order to be better known in one’s e-community, in search of some financial greatness.

I choose to be naïve and to believe that the candidates for each post have the sole intention to do their best possible so that the people they represent will achieve heights in regards to prosperity, military greatness and so on.

If that’s the case then the situation is rather simple, at a first glance. As democracy says, majority rules, and if the majority wants something, be it a certain ally, a certain alliance, a war, NE for training, bonus regions, high salaries, milk, honey, beautiful women, well built men or brothels, the electees have to do everything in their power to offer what it is asked of them. As you probably have expected, there’s a big smelly hairy BUT over corner.

BUT what happens if the will of the people does not coincide with what’s best for the people ? Parampam… How could this be ? It seems not possible, and yet, it is. This paradoxically situation is given by the beauty of the democratic system : although it is supposed that the sharpest minds, the best caretakers, the most resourceful people reach the leadership status and sometimes they do, they have to listen to and act accordingly to what the majority wants. Now, if la crème de la crème is in charge, that means at least a part of the people they represent either lack the necessary information, either are unable to process it or both.

In my opinion 90% of the people have no real clue about what they really want or how to reach what they want or even know why they want it, whatever it is. I apologise for being so blunt, but I strongly believe this is the truth and before you decide whether you’re in the 90% or in the 10%, you’d better think about what you should do in order to be in the 10% category, that is IF you care at all.

If you are unhappy with your current situation get used to it or stop bitching, stop whining, and do something constructive. Don’t do it in spite of someone, but for someone or something. I am sure each and everyone of us has something useful to say or bring to the table, but I am unsure about how much each and everyone cares to bring to light what they could have to offer.

That being said, I would like to thank you if you have wasted your time reading my rant and wish you a nice day.
Your arrogant,

RO :
Ei bine, este foarte limpede, nu ? Clasa conducatoare a oricarei tari are rolul de a urma vointa poporului, corect ? Pana la urma nu avem regi si imparati, conducatori de drept divin. Traim intr-un soi de democratie ( turkish delight, dar asta-i alta poveste ). Desi ceea ce urmeaza sa scriu poate fi valabil atat pentru eRep, cat si pentru RL ( real life – stiu ca unii dintre noi nu au auzit de o asa porcarie ), ma voi concentra, macar pe jumatate, pe eRep.

Avem parte de alegeri pentru presedinti de partid, alegeri pentru congres, si, cel mai important, alegeri pentru presedinte. Alegeri peste alegeri, unde vointa poporului rastoarna balanta ( voi ignora clone, deoarece fie alegem sa consideram toate alegerile curatie, fie toate sunt masluite, iar fiecare dintre candidate profita de ele intr-o mai mare sau mai mica masura, direct implicat sau nu, oricare varianta va permite sa dormiti mai bine noaptea).

Odata ce au castigat, alesi au obligatia morala sa faca tot ce au promis, sa faca tot posibilul astfel incat electoratul sa evolueze. Din nou, voi alege sa ignor anumite aspecte cum ar fi alergatul dupa medalie, candidatul doar pentru a deveni mai bine cunoscut in comunitatea din care faci parte, dorinta pentru a atinge vreun fel de maretie financiara.

Aleg sa fiu naiv si sa cred ca toti candidatii, pentru orice post pus la concurs au unica intentie de a face tot ce tine de ei astfel incat cei pe care ii reprezinta sa atinga noi culmi in materie de prosperitate, renume military samd.

Daca asa stau lucrurile, atunci situatia e tare simpla, la o prima vedere. Dupa legea democratiei, majoritatea decide si, daca majoritatea isi doreste ceva, fie ca este vorba despre un aliat, o alianta, un razbel, un NE pentru bonus la training si rank, regiuni cu bonusri de productivitate, salarii mari, pensii si mai mari, lapte, miere, iarba, femei frumoase ( adica romance ), barbate bine facuti sau bordeluri, alesii trebuie sa faca tot ce le sta in putinta sa ofere cele ce le sunt cerute. Dupa cum probabil era de asteptat, urmeaza un mare DAR.

DAR ce se intampla atunci cand dorinta, vointa poporului nu coincide cu ceea ce este mai bine pentru popor, fie ca este vorba de termen scurt sau lung ? Parampam…. Cum se poate asa ceva ? Pare imposibil si totusi se intampla. Paradoxul acestei situatii este dat de frumusetea sistemului democratic : desi se presupune ca mintile cele mai agree, cei mai priceputi, cei mai descurcareti ajung la conducere si cateodata asa se si intampla, ei trebuie sa asculte de si sa actioneze conform dorintelor celor multi.

Acum, daca la crème de la crème se afla la carma, asta inseamna ca macar o parte dintre cei pe care-i reprezinta fie nu au informatiile necesare pentru a-si forma o parere pertinent, fie sunt incapabil sa proceseze informatii sau chiar amandoua la un loc.

Dupa parerea mea, 90% din oameni n-au nici cea mai vaga idée ce vor cu adevarat sau cum sa obtina ceea ce-si doresc sau macar sa stie de ce-si doresc acel ceva, indiferent despre ce este vorba. Va cer scuze pentru lipsa de diplomatie, dar cred cu tarie ca acesta este adevarul si, inainte de a decide din ce categorie faceti parte ( 90% sau 10% ) , ar fi bine sa va ganditi ce este de facut pentru a va afla in cei 10% care au habar, asta daca exista vreun pic de interes.

Daca nu suntem multumiti cu situatia actual, fie ne obisnuim cu ea, fie incetam cu smiorcaiala si ne punem pe treaba. Insa daca ne apucam de ceva in ciuda sau impotriva unui X sau a unui Y, e total degeaba, pierdem luciditate in gandire, obiectivitate. Sunt sigur ca fiecare dintre noi are ceva constructive de spus, poate face ceva constructiv, totusi nu-s la fel de sigur in legatura cu interesul fiecaruia dintre noi intr-o asemenea privinta. Din vorbe, toti suntem tari, ca doar stim si fotbal si politica.

In ideea in care ati alocat timpul necesar citirii acestui articol, va multumesc si va urez o zi buna in continuare.
Naufragiatu cel arogant 