Late Night Interviews Part 1

Day 1,276, 17:33 Published in USA USA by Gaara Killah

Ray=Out #2
Day 1276, May 19th, 2011

eRepublik has some interesting players, we decided to interview a couple of them to get an idea as to why they stick around, here are the results:

First we have 2 time Battle Hero in the Indiana resistance force from Seal Team 6,

When did you join eRepublik and why?
April 30, out of shear boredom. I googled social strategy game's and this was the only one to come up.

For what reason do you play now?
out of shear boredom and lack of any thing else to do.

Are there any goals you have in eRepublik?
Not really individual goals, my main goal is helping my party and friends in it enjoy the game and achieve what ever goals they have for them self's.

Wanna have a shout out? Who?
I always seen this game as having three sides. The political and would thank candor for his help, the economic and would thank redphoenix, and the military side and would thank mizu.

Next, we have 1 time congressional winner and Ultra Marine,
Stanley Ibcus:

When did you join eRepublik and why?
I joined eRepublik in February of this year because a buddy asked me to take a look at a problem the eUS was having. As I recently changed RL careers and began working from home, I figured erep would also be a good outlet to get away from the work. After a month or two, I learned that there was actually no problem and this game is a pretty good time.

For what reason do you play now?
The reason I keep playing is the community. That's it. Without IRC I probably would have quit a long time ago.

Are there any goals you have in eRepublik?
My number one goal in eRepublik is not to take it so seriously that I feel the need to rage quit. No matter how involved I get, I want to maintain the balance I have achieved right now.

Wanna have a shout out? Who?
LexLuthor1 I would have left already if he wasn't around.

3rd up is a badass Lt. from Seal Team 6,

When did you join eRepublik and why?
I joined back in beta when a friend from another game invited me to play, only lasted a few weeks at best as he only wanted the referral bonus. rejoined with the same account around day 500.

For what reason do you play now?
Honestly? to help out ST6 and for my friends. this game honestly SUCKS and the real point now is really seeing out your friends and helping them with what you can. ST6 and my friends that are there as few of the remaining spread out across Bad company, EZCompany, and Ultra Marines and the few left in the ~Biggest milita that is formerly known as the eUS Mil~

Are there any goals you have in eRepublik?
Chill in Congress for another term maybe 2 possibly someday be a President but I doubt that happening.

Wanna have a shout out? Who?
Sure. Fionia. The one person that Keeps me grounded and interested in erep even when the days seem like they will never end. Also My RL Sister, she always saves my a** when the going gets a bit to tough.

4Th in the line-up we have the USWP PAC,

When did you join eRepublik and why?
I joined eRepublik because my old MMO/Travian guild launched an effort into eRep. Only a small handful of us played past the first week or two, though. We were looking for a more political version of Travian, but suffice it to say that eRep is a lot more buggy than most of the upper-crust browser games, so very few stuck around.

For what reason do you play now?
I am not trying to win white knight points, but I basically only play to help my friends achieve any remaining goals they have before eRep finally dies, which I expect to happen before the end of this calendar year. 2011 will be a great year for games: Skyrim, Battlefield 3, Mass Effect 3, more WoW stuff, etc. The arrival of these games will be the nail in the coffin for the eUS population of eRep.
Anyway, there are some great workhorses and personalities here who want to try out a couple jobs in the eUS govt, in the USWP, or in the military, and hopefully I will be able to facilitate these oppportunities or assist them in some way.

Are there any goals you have in eRepublik?
I have one and only one remaining. You'll see shortly.

Wanna have a shout out? Who?
I'll shout out to Keldien and Kanuvina, even though they'll never read this. They were two of my aforementioned ex-guildmates who started eRep with me.

Last but not least, USWP Zombie; a new guy from the Training Corps,
Brad Gwatney:

When did you join eRepublik and why?
I have just recently joined eRepublik. I joined on May 4, 2011 in the 1,261 Day of the New World. I joined because I was looking for a new and interesting game that I could play online and have fun. A friend from another game I play, NationStates, suggested that I start playing this game. So I have joined and have loved every minute of it.

For what reason do you play now?
Being a new player I am playing for all the right reasons as I see it. I am not just playing because I am in the military or not just playing because I want to be invovled in the politics, I am just playing to have fun, meet new people, gain new experience and overall learn the game. Now with that being said, I am in the Military, I am in the eUS Military Training Corps and have also joined the United States Workers Party in which I have just joined the Zombie Horde. So I am enjoying spending my time in Erepublik on these two things, but overall I am just playing the game to have fun!

Are there any goals you have in eRepublik?
I have several Goals since I have joined eRepublik. I will start off with my Military goals. As I mentioned before, I have joined the eUS Military Training Corps and am Currently a PFC seeking to become an Executive Officer in the future. After attaining this position I hope to climb higher in the ranks and make a military career in the eUS Military Training Corps. To Continue with my goals on the political side, I hope to continue to help out the USWP and the Zombie Horde. I hope to someday become a Congressman and serve one of the great states of these United States. I would also like to become the Party President one and climb the ranks to the top to serve as our Commander and Chief ***like this will really happen 🙁. Other Goals include just being an active player and spreading the news abotu eRepublik to all.

Wanna have a shout out? Who?
I would like to put a Shout out to all of the Members of the eUS Military Training Corps! And a Shout out to the USWP! Good Luck in the upcoming Elections! And last but not least to all of the Military forces out there fighting for our freedom!

Brad Gwatney
USTC PFC, 321st Titans
USWP, Zombie Horde

Until next time,
Director of Ray=Out
Member of Seal Team 6
Aspiring Congressman