Largest e-GiveAway (50 Gold!)

Day 1,408, 16:55 Published in USA USA by Bucephalus92

Hello and welcome, bros, to the Bro Paper.
First off I would like to inform you that you have been deceived, swindled, bamboozled, duped, fleeced, hoodwinked; indeed it would seem you have had the wool pulled over your eyes, or rather that I pulled a fast one on you, you see there is no giveaway.

Instead this article will highlight something that has been bothering me for some time now, there are very few excuses to have these kinds of give aways and more often than not, people have no excuse at all. Lets look at some of the generally accepted reasons that we see people offering up to validate these giveaways…
• Financial, we have all seen the shouts “subscribe and help john Smith get his 5 gold!!”, followed by a link to some ridiculous giveaway, but what is the point of five gold if you spend 50 trying to get there? Consider the fact that it costs 2 gold to create your paper, so even if you successfully get an MM medal your still only making a three gold profit, add on the cost of paying people to subscribe to your paper and it’s a serious waste of currency. Besides, there are multiple media mogul projects run by EDEN and Terra countries that are both effective and free to join.
• Bragging rights, the other reason that people want an MM medal is simply so they can point out how cool they are because they have an MM medal, this is incredibly stupid. When you pay people to subscribe to your paper you might as well be advertising the fact that you either don’t have the skill, or the patience(quite possibly both) to reach a media mogul medal on your own.

So is there any legitimate reason to have one of these e-giveaways to bolster subscriber count? I have determined one that makes sense, if a person is in an important position such as the head of the department of the interior, or of education, it seems reasonable that they would want to increase their subscriber count quickly to help get important messages out to the public that needs them.

I hope you have enjoyed reading this issue of The Bro Paper, to those of you who have missed my paper for the last week or so, I fractured my elbow longboarding and typing with one hand is really annoying.
-Buce, earning my media mogul medal, one article, and one subscriber at a time.

May the force be with you,