Izvjestaj eBiH ambasadora u eSrbiji !

Day 1,661, 14:32 Published in Bosnia and Herzegovina Chile by AmiVV

Bosnian Version:

Pozdrav dragi sugradani i drage sugradanke danas vam se javljam kao eAmbasador eBiH u eSrbiji imao sam tu cast eto da pokusavam jos vise spojiti ove dvije drzave i sto vise da ih zblizimo i eto nekada da u buducnosti nase zemlje suraduju.Prihvativsi ovu poziciju nimalo lahku dosta sam shvatio stvari dosavsi na oficijalni chat kanal eSrbije i na oficijalni mof-a kanal eSrbije dobio sam toplu dobrodoslicu od nasih komsija malo smo popricali o nekim stvarima.Ovim clankom cu da vam malo izbliza predstavim nama susjednu zemlju eSrbiju.Na sljedecoj slici mozemo vidjeti trenutne teritorije eSrbije.


Kao sto znamo jedna je od Top 5 zemalja po populaciji tacnije 2 zemlja na eRepu i njen broj populacije tacno je 16,130.Ima trenutno 22 regije glavni grad je Beograd (Belgrad) u cijoj regiji zivi 3377 stavnonika.Prijedsjednik drzave je nesako.Trenutni NE eSrbije je China i trenutno se ne nalazimo na njihovoj Alianc listi ali ipak smo komsije i nadam se licno da cu pomoci pri tome da ovve dvije zemlje pocnu nekada suradivati.

Sto se tice politike najvise clanova broji Stranka Zdravog Razuma sa 1162 clana a sto se tice MU-a NO 1 je kuka i motika eSrbije.To bi bilo sve za sada neke osnove koje bi trebali znati o eSrbiji i srdacan pozdrav do sledeceg javljanja gdje cete imati nesto vise detalja o eSrbiji do tada budite mi svi dobri i zdravi.

Vas i nas AmiVV

English Version:

Report of the eBiH Ambassador in eSerbia

Hello dear fellow dear fellow citizens, and now comes to you eAmbasador eBiH in eSerbia I had the honor that's even more to try to connect these two states and the more that they come together and once there to the future of our countries assist each other. By taking this position at all easy. A lot of things I realized when he came to the official chat channel eSerbia and the MOF's official channel eSerbian I received a warm welcome from our neighbors we talked a bit about some things. To this article, I introduce to you a little closer neighboring countries eSerbia. In the following figure we can see eSerbian current territory.


As we know, is one of the Top 5 countries by population country in precisely two eRep and its population number is exactly 16.130. There are currently 22 regions capital is Belgrade (Belgrade) in the region whose lives 3377 inhabitants. President of the state's submissions.Current Natural Enemy of eSerbia is eChina we are not currently on their list of Alliance but we are neighbors and I hope that I will personally assist in making these two countries to cooperate once they start.As far as the policy has the most members of the party of common sense clana.The fist MU in Serbia is kuka i motika eSrbije.To 1162 would be all for now some basics you should know about eSerbia and Best Regards until the next report which will have a little more detail on eSerbia until then we all make good and healthy.

Your and our AmiVV