Is it just me??

Day 3,936, 10:27 Published in Netherlands Netherlands by Attila The Hun II

Is it just me?
Or this so called TW with our ESTONIAN friends it's like driving a car on the motorway with cruise control? I suppose we the eNL citizens can hibernate and save all our resources and donate it to charity at a later stage.These Estonians are extremely leed and dedicated to claim the BH medals from both sides. I'm starting to think it's their only purpose in life.I actually feel sad for the departure of the Maple people.This deal with Estonians just turned the game from boring to Extremely boring. Let's just buy some popcorn and Wath the TW on Auto-Battle mode. Why the hell not? If any eNl citizen think of any way of making the game even more boring, please feel free to leave a comment below ,so we can make a formal proposal to the government. And hopefully it will pass the bureocratic screening procedure ,with the help of a little elbow grease. And after the first screening process, hopefully it will pass the vote of the shady shadow cabinet. And after that process hopefully it will pass the law behind the secret door,in the magic wardrobe that leads to Narnia. And after it passed the vote there , hopefully it will pass the last screening process and vote in the Kremlin. But until then, let's just all delete our accounts,and start playing Mario,as it might offer more thrill and excitement than the current game.
Hail the Estonian TW.
Hail to the hail of the Auto-Battle TW.
Hail to being a "little spoon".
Hail to the exciting game.
Oh, mad Hail to that mental guy who lost his sanity and just send his hail ,to the biggest and almighty Hailers of all time.
Hail to the dead eNL.