Ireland Is The Wisemans Choice

Day 3,145, 17:06 Published in Ireland South Africa by Dante Boss


Closing in on a month, the new economic module has been partly unveiled. The media and newsfeeds are spammed with reasons to place your holding in this country over that country. I have seen many nations make you, the private citizen, offers. Governments are trying to entice company holders with subsidies, grants and flaunt their “low tax rate”. You can fall for these marketing ploys or you can play the safe bet and place your companies in eIreland where the political and tax system is stable - but more importantly your investment secured.

eIreland has for the past several years adopted a minimal tax strategy allowing the entrepreneur, the employee and the consumer operate in an economy where the Government shies away from interference. You have made an investment, you have worked - you deserve the fruits of your labour.

Most countries marketing campaigns make them look like attractive destinations, they focus on the here and now but look at their political and economical history. Have they always maintained a 1% Work Tax? Or is it just low for the time being to suck you into their pocket before it pounces back to 5% making a mockery of you, as you were the fool who fell into their trap. Don’t be that fool. Be the wise business leader and place them in a country with a recognised history of minimal taxes - that country being eIreland.

eIreland has stacked our resources into two regions. A region for weapons and a region for food.

Mayo: 70% Weapons Bonus (Saltpeter, oil, aluminium, iron)
Cork: 50% Food Bonus (Deer, grain)

Production is based on the following formula:

Productivity Bonus = Country Productivity Bonus + Region Productivity Bonus + Player Booster - Region Pollution Factor

Putting the numbers into the equation will result in the following:

Weapons: 184% - Pollution Factor
Foo😛 161% - Pollution Factor

These production numbers are a nice healthy number. We are predicting pollution to be minimal due to the very low number of eIrish citizens who produce higher quality goods in contrast to the larger countries who have secured similar bonuses. Many producers are also expected to have fallen victim to marketing ploys such as Portugal’s “Tax Back” and Cuba’s “Subsidies” (again, how long will these operate for after they’ve secured your holdings), thus eliminating more potential pollutants.

So are you going to be wise, not fall victim to a temporary scheme that will shaft you in the long run with a 5% Work Tax?
Cause eIreland is right for you.

We offer:
1% Work Tax Guaranteed
Healthy bonuses
eIrish Citizenship if you request
A friendly international environment

Muchos Love,