
Day 1,754, 05:12 Published in Ireland Poland by Random Irish Guy

Hello eIreland,

At present we're in a bit of a pickle as you all know, and as hard times often go,it will often get worse before gets better.

so everyone remember who you are and what eNation you're a part of, forget your petty rivalries and grudges against each other and let Poland know that eIreland wants (to) and will be free from occupation.

We went to war to support our Canadian allies with the best of intentions and we have somewhat stemmed the Polish advance but at a cost of our own sovereignty which we will now work with Canada to regain.

Britain then decided to use Ireland's struggle to fuel their own greed, they then took Scotland and Northern Ireland as well as retaining Dublin and Louth from the Peace Treaty which they had turned their back on with their actions, therefore it is justifiable to remove them along with Poland from Eire A.S.A.P.

Britain and Poland mark my words , the day and hour are coming, Ireland will once again rejoin the free eNations.

Thanks for reading