Interview With TemujinBC and Chamrajnagar

Day 1,110, 17:00 Published in Canada Canada by CptKaydee

Why do you think you should be CP?

TemujinBC: I should be the Country President because I will make the long hoped-for baby boom a reality. I will ensure begins a path of fiscal discipline, and I will make sure Canada's military presence is felt.
Chamrajnagar: Personally, I think I bring a different viewpoint than the other candidates. As has been mentioned by others, I pride myself on my honesty, and my trustworthiness. I also have a comprehensive platform, as I intend on improving ALL aspects of eCanadian life. My opponents have chosen to focus on certain issues. Ultimately, it comes down to who the public thinks should be CP.

What do you want this eNation to accomplish?

TemujinBC: I want this nation to take its place among the big nations of The New World. For too long, we have been a second-tier nation due to our population. I'd like to see this changed.
Chamrajnagar: Ultimately, I want to get our population more engaged in the game. I want people to be excited about eRep, and what comes next. I want us to have the resources, both in regions and wealth, to be able to accomplish what we desire. I want us to stand proud on the international scene. I want us to be proud to be from eCan.

What do you think about your opponents?

TemujinBC: I think Aeriala is doing it for the lulz, and I put Chamrajnagar and Nea Milosu in my cabinet, so that should speak to how valuable I think they are 😃
Chamrajnagar: I think my opponents are quite worthy. Tem has led many successfully through his time in TCO. nea milosu is a former CP of Canada. Aeriala is a respected former congress member. They all have shown leadership qualities. What differentiates them are their ideas, and their character. I would not be concerned if any of my opponents were to win CP.

If you get elected will there be lulz?

TemujinBC: Oh yes, there will be lulz. I plan on working in a private company for $1.20 a day and I will use the 200% booster. So yeah, it will be lulz 😃
Chamrajnagar: My personal opinion, is that lulz should be separate from the government. However, that does not mean the government should be standoffish. My Ministry of Social Affairs' mandate is to find ways of engaging the people. There will be contests, and Media Theme days, among other things.

Politics Canada

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