Interview with PP of Nigeria Arise, UrosDjeneral

Day 2,496, 23:13 Published in Nigeria Nigeria by Juve Leo

I think that if we all know each other opinions is the best way to make a better Nigeria with all participating.

Today I interview UrosDjeneral, the PP of Nigeria Arise.

Are you Nigerian Rl?
No, i am RL Serbian.

Why you are Nigerian in erepublik?
I wanted to do something significant for 1 country in erepublik, to help in progress, and most of all, to help buildind good and friendly community.

What do you expect from Nigeria?
I expect from Nigeria to stand up for herself, to show everybody that she isn't irrelevant country in erepublik.

You are PP of a party, Nigeria Arise. What is the goal of Nigeria Arise?
Goal of Nigeria Arise is, most of all, to release our core regions (at least some of them) and to have good relationship with out neighbours.

What do you think we all Nigerians can do to make a better country?
Simple thing, to unite under the things which are best for our country.

What part of the game you prefer?
Maybe political module

Tell us a history that happened to you in erepublik.
I was eborn in eSerbia but i left after couple months. I took eSouth African citizenship and was active politically and military (i was a congressman 5 times and 2x MoD, also had my MU) for a year or something like that. After that, a MU from Turkey made to PTO eSA so i left and came back to eSerbia. After just few days, i went to eNorway to try to be politically active there, but then new countries were added and i ended up here.

Thank you very much UrosDjeneral for your answers.

Juve Leo

Born 3 de Janeiro de 2011

Comandante das Forças Armadas do SPORTING

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CP de Portugal de 5 de Fev de 2013 a 5 de Mar de 2013

vMOD do Governo Alvaro Cunhal de 16 de Nov de 2012 a 5 de Dez 2012

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