Interview with Nickerball

Day 1,271, 08:45 Published in South Africa Brazil by Crumoet

Nickerball you have been a part of eRepublik for a long time. What will be your fondest memory of eSa? There are a lot of memories, some fond, some not so fond, but all in all, that is what kept me playing the game until now. I will always remember the first day I started playing eRepublik.

I can remember getting gifts and food from you when I was a new player Nickerball. Any idea how many young boys you plied with gifts over the years? Gosh, I have the spreadsheet somewhere that I kept in the early days. Remember too that Mama Africa’s Soup Kitchen was part of our feeding scheme, and if I say our, LiquidIce was with me all the way untill she left the first time, then I took over and kept going up to now. Mama’s has been closed now so only eSAHC remained

Now for the tough question. Which little boy is your favorite and why? Beaufort used to be such a cute guy, but since he’s left, it has to Bobady Zoo. Why? Becuse he has an answer for everything. Being witty whitout being nasty is something that I appreciate – and Bobady has that. Joseph Rich also deseves a special mention as someone who never give up!

If you were advertising eSa to someone else what would you tell them? If I could stick it out for 19 months, there has to be something in the game. Its just so sad that everytime the administrators of the game wants an increase, they ‘upgrade’ the game and the price tags just keep on increasing. You can play without plastic, I did it and enjoyed the game, but I understand that if you want to have a better experience, you have the money to buy gold.

Do you have any advice for eSa? Keep your friends close, and your enemies even closer. Keep the lid on the cookie jar.

I know you were also part of Airborne for a long time. Any players from there who you want to say goodbye to? Yes, Bia Pandora as she always greeted me with a hug

What about the locals? Oh my goodness, there are so many of them it will really fill a lot of pages. Players who truely made a big impression on me, and for different reasons were Enoch Root, Ines Schumacher, Mark Morcom, Greyhunter, Chucker71, Ronell believe it or not – Allen Webster, Chubbzilla, Merle Corey,Wingfield, CyberWitch, Krimpie, Zamrg, all the guys from the Dignity Brigade who accepted me for who I am and who supported eSAHC is times of trouble, Crumoet for showing me how to start and run a business, and last but definitely not least, Grimstone.

I know eSahc will be at a great loss without you running the show. Any thoughts on who might be able to take over now that you are going? I have no idea who Grimstone will appoint to run eSAHC from now on. The person who runs eSAHC must be someone who cares about the new players and not think eSAHC is a cookie jar.

I have heard rumors that you make Grimstone wash behind his ears. Is there truth to this vicious rumor? You heard it wrong, because I check every night to see if he washed behing his ears, between his toes and all other delicate parts as well.

What would you say is the most difficult time eSa has been through? The time when when a group of us ‘The Golden 10’ or elitists, as we were eventually called by people who ran when the paw paw hit the fan and only came back when everything was over, had to try and fight back from eAUS to get at least one province back so that eSA would still exist in the game. The time of exile, but it was also one of the most exciting times for me in the game

If you had to be president and you got to click the big button to attack who would you choose? eBrazil off course

Who was the player you most loved to hate and how did they get that status? Ah, that has to be Enoch Root. He was my first CP and one of the great players but we could also have a good argument if we didn’t see eye to eye over certain matters.

Nickerball I am sure you know we will all miss you a lot. If you could choose how would you like us to remember you? Someone who cared.

Last question Nickerball. What will you miss the most about eRepublik? Being called Mom, Mommy dearest, antie and Nickers. The fun we had in Dignity Brigade, our time in exile, fighting through PTO’s and eSAHC, but most of all, I will miss all the friends I’ve made during my time playing the game.