Important Meeting eRO - eSUI [EN] for eRomanian and eSwiss citizens

Day 1,004, 13:56 Published in Switzerland Austria by Marek Engelman

Today, on the day 1,004 of eRepublik took place an important meeting between a delegation of eROM and one of eSUI. In the Romanian delegation there were present Marek Engelman (the Romanian ambassador in eSwitzerland) and AdiD von D (Romanian congressman) while in the Swiss one the members were Pascal Couchepin (MoFA) and Ios.
During the meeting the Swiss officials presented the situation in all the areas.
The conclusion after the meeting, is that I think that eRomania improved her relationship with eSwitzerland and made the both parts to think at a possible colaboration between these countries.


Thank you,
Marek Engelman
Romanian ambassador in eSwitzerland