
Day 1,084, 09:31 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda
Wanna know why OJ was impeached ???

OJ never wanted to have to serve a full term as president ,He just wanted his shiny medal .

OJ knew that appointing IBhoy as MoD would lead to his impeachment .
IBhoy who has NEVER shown any remorse for what he has done to Ireland during his term as president ,Who claims to be Irelands greatest military mind , yet opens MULTIPLE battles against the UK at the same time during his term then does a runner leaving the country without a leader and MANY MANY state assets

Both himself and IBhoy have acted about as immature as you can get in our national forum insulting just about everybody , At the same time expecting the whole of Ireland to bend to their whim ,but hey what do you expect from children

He claims to have released an article looking for an MoD ,where is this article ???

Now there are 2 battles open , one OJ had to have opened himself , the other he wholly approves of.
There are reports of IDF assests having been stolen and or liquidated right now.

And These are the actions of a person/persons who still claim to have Irelands best interests at heart .

I plead with all ICA, labour , and other parties who have supported OJ as well as Connell rath and Ibhoy to seriously think on events of the last 6 months or so and ask yourselves are you really doing whats best for Ireland .

Its time to SAY NO to the thieves , the trolls , the people who really are just in it for their own personal gain be it gold or medals or just the LULZ , This has gone on FAR TOO LONG .
We always forget or forgive and it has come back to haunt us EACH and EVERY time.

There is no coup , never was , AGAIN you want to know my reason for impeaching , goto the forum , check public dail , and ask yourself
Is this the way my president and MoD are supposed to conduct themselves when looking for support from the people ??????

Have a look at the 2 open battles ,, and ask that question again