ICA News: Day 1102

Day 1,102, 15:17 Published in Ireland Ireland by orangejuicemmm



irishbhoy1967 has resigned as Supreme Commander and is currently leaving eRepublik due to RL. He has been an inspiration to us all and has worked tirelessly for the betterment of Ireland the Irish Citizen Army. Each ICA member owes him dearly.

Show your appreciation - http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2151076


I have replaced him as Supreme Commander and I have big shoes to fill.

Also, After the recent invasion of Ireland, North Dakota was lost in a Resistance War. We need all members to move back to Ireland, specifically Cork and Kerry so we can begin operations again.
Just send myself a message if you are in need of a moving ticket and I should hopefully be able to provide. Obviously, If you can afford one yourself do so. Unity is key.

I would also need all those in Connolly to relocate back to Canada so we can begin Titanium production.

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Joe Hitman

James Ferrin



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