I Wrote the Ticket

Day 986, 13:45 Published in Germany Belgium by Konrad Neumann

For 5 months, 5 bloody months, a single issue divided the nation like no other issue had ever before. It is a very draining issue which greatly divided the nation and changed the political climate of eGermany. It is over now and I want to apologize for the mistakes that I made during this whole crisis.

From the beginning, Gobba took the gold trying to manipulate election results to prevent MachtGeil to win his CP election. In some logic which Ban Danna, myself and a few others did not see, we told him no but to no success. He went with his plans which cost Ban Danna his election and ironically secure a seat for his rival MachtGeil.

As you read my articles in the past, you see that MachtGeil and the Rotfront with PPD I think at the time who are the anti-Gobbaist while the other camp exert a lot of pressure for me to not write the ticket. Both sides have their valid point and I went on the side that I have most connection with. My error was that I failed in the old motto of OMG, Progress and not Partisan Politics. There was no secret that I wanted Ban Danna to be CP. I was bias and partisan. I saw the Rotfront as the other side, something that I want to find faults in so that my political camp will fare better. I think I was unfair to MachtGeil and many Rotfronters and I apologized.

However, with that said there are a lot of people who seek to ban Gobba. MachtGeil is one of them. All I want is a calm logical debate (which I failed) instead of just fighting (the result). I believed that diplomacy and human reasoning will solve our problems in eGermany but the climate was too hot. It soon escalated out of hand to a point that we are not talking about Gobba but both sides throwing insults at each other. "Go Home Yanks" to Stupid Commies etc" which made things worse not better.

I really hoped that diplomacy would work. I do not believe Gobba as an evil person who wants to steal money etc. To me he is Macbeth. A tragic hero which did great things for eGermany in the past. But due to his flaw, be it his excessive love to defend eGermany his way, the failure to let go, greed, you pick one, it cause a hero to be one of the most hated characters in eGermany. Am I Lady Macbeth? Well I do not want power but I too am not perfect.

After MachtGeil's term was over, Letnix was president. Gobba did give some money to him if memory serves, but soon the idea of contracts came up. I was not too happy about this but to me it made a bit sense. Like him I focus purely on the Machiavellian and I went on with it. This was a turning point since I was not thrill with this new course of action he is taking. The problem is, it made sense. What will stop the next Gobba if people and take things willy nilly? Wait for V2, it is coming soon. So why not...

When V2 came there was no contract system. DukeNukem wanted a petition against him and to ask him for the return of the funds. He came to me and want me to help. I rejected. It was Higter who really talked to me and explain the situation to me that I begin to think about it more.

Pragmatism is complicated. Do what is your interest. In the past you can argue that it is pragmatic that we have a contract system or even force it upon a society. However, when that is no longer the reality, it is no longer pragmatic. The state needs to be sovereign. It cannot be sovereign begging or asking a person permission for funds. The state is in essence held hostage. Should the state expect to have access to it or not? Besides, Gobba is not the state. He is not Louis XIV with "L'État, c'est moi" ("I am the State&quot😉. I realized that it is time to let go. If there is a future thief, it is not Gobba's responsibility to safeguard Germany etc. Let the eGerman government and the eGerman voters deal with it. I ask him to return the funds but he wants a state org with congress support etc to secure the money. Only when he things the org and the people running it are safe, he will return the money. This will take at least 3 more months. 3 months too long...

I also rethink a lot of my old beliefs. In my article Presidential Island Dilemma the idea state is not just focus on interest and security. It needs to balance civil liberties and dare I say it transparency. I admit that I believe that I made many mistakes and the results of my error caused many eGerman pain. I was a part of the rift which divided the nation greatly. I am sorry.

Some may say it is too late but for the record, TMV23, Hig, Gobba and I had our last meeting at 8:45 pm German time. The meeting was not fruitful and like all other past meetings, it resulted in an impasse. Therefore, after the meeting I submitted a ticket to the admins/ mods under high priority. The ticket was reviewed by the CP and VP and it is with their support and blessing. I hope this will shut a painful chapter in eGerman history.

Once again, I made many errors, I might damage eGermany with my (at times) blind support for Gobba. In hindsight I would of done things totally different. I still do not think Gobba as a bad person, but did some things which was not right and just. Morally he was wrong, and pragmatically I do not see the gains from more stalling. I hope you understand a bit more of the situation and at least hear it from my point of view. I apologize once again to the people that I let down and disappoint and I wish you all my best.

Konrad Neumann
eGerman President (Jan 5th-Mar 5th)