Day 836, 04:48 Published in Ireland Ireland by castaneda
But first i will tell you who i wont be voting for

Dubh ,
I dont doubt Dubh's commitment to ireland , he has had some great ideas(lambda and the merging of two vital ministries are not two of his best) , but yes, the HW medals and lack of fights does niggle at me.

Will Dubh make a Great president ? , Ok lets not raise the bar too high .
Will Dubh make a good president ?

I dont think he will , In all ive seen of dubh and in our many , lets call them conversations , in the forums, i have never found dubh to be approachable .
Never found him to be accepting of criticism (im not talking personal), always believe's that he's right and if you dont agree then thats a personal affront.
He is also quick to anger .
These are not the traits a President of the country needs, Some might not agree with me .And im sure that Dubh has tried to change this especially after the spiteful ad's he ran against our current President in a previous election.

Lambda It just WONT work

Its The biggest problem i have with Dubh's campaign.
People are already complaining that we have had an increase in income tax. Well you think this is bad , It wont be a patch on the taxes you will pay if lambda proceeds,
Some say "you wont need money as all food , gifts and weapons will be supplied by the state "
Dont make me laugh ,
We dont have enough dedicated people to successfully distribute food , weapons , gifts , organise housing for 500 people on a daily basis ,
As well as keeping all state companies running , running a military , foreign affairs, health, new citizens , and finance ,
Im sure ive omitted many others .
Lambda workswell on paper , in a country where the only people there, want to be there and be part of that system . That means everybody .

A question for you Dubh

Considering how closely you have worked on project Lambda. Is there a place for the TRAITOR Brian Boru (sorry brian ,it hasn't gone away u know) on your cabinet ?
Brian the mighty , the republican , the legal whiz , the amazing economist.
But brian wrote most of our constitution !!!
He did , and used the same laws he wrote to escape any ramifications for stealing the countries property.
The same man was minister for finance a while ago too , And he set up state RM (raw material) companies in countries with Medium resources . Which wer a waste of gold , and eventually sold at a loss .
The same man who has great ideas for our military , the republican who wants NI back but at the same time would like to know why we didn't support "our oldest allies " the UK ,when they were getting invaded by eden .
The same man who has a paltry military record yet claims to fight so hard for Ireland
The same man who fought ONCE in the 2nd RW.


I like john , he knows that , And i think john will make a truly great president someday.
He has nearly all the qualities needed to suceed, his drive and his commitment are unrivalled.
But john wont be getting my vote either today (he also knows that)


IT's Nith who'll be getting my vote

I have always found Nith to be very approachable , always answered any questions i had for him . He's level headed , and he has experience .
For me , a fighting gorilla , He knows the military .
If you want to fix a military you dont ask a banker , or a lawyer.
You go to a man who knows the military side of the game , a man who is already a part of the system and can see where it falls short , and knows how to fix it

So today , Vote for Nith .
