I Quit 2.0

Day 846, 14:15 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas


Let's talk about respect and how much Dub has for his Military.


Why? Well, yeah, I resigned MoD. I left him with a hole in his cabinet because I could not stand by while he himself broke all the wonderful laws he made. But that was kind of blowing over after one single person decided to let him stay president (Kind of like only two votes got him into office)

But that's all water under the bridge, Dub's immune for another week right? So who does he make the MoD?

John Jay. Yes, John Jay who tried to trick eIrish Soldiers to ignore orders and fight red in the resistance war. John Jay who now says.

"I do not have to support any one person or group in this country if I do not wish to. The Dail in this country is not the end all be all, and I refuse to think that it is. "

He also says

"I'm here to serve, just like you."

When did he say this and where? Yesterday. In the barracks.

Hmmmm... Not sure how those two jibe. There are plenty of other wonderful and contradictory quotes by your new Minister of Defence and CO of Na Fianna.

But don't take my word for it. You can read all his wonderful contradictory blather here:


I'll let you in a little secret here. Before the election I let Dub know that a rumor was on the street that he was going to choose JJ as his MoD. Well, I let him know that I would resign my commission in Na Fiann and the IDF is he allowed a traitor (and yes, I call asking people to fight against your army when you are a citizen of a country being a traitor) and that I thought a few others might not be too happy either. Dub realized that would be a bad idea and asked me if I would serve as a co-MoD.

I'll not speak for anyone else, but I'm not the only one who feels as such. They'll have to speak their own peace.

So there it is. I resign my commission in Na Fianna and the IDF.

I should feel regret right now. I should be sad. But I am not.

I will not take orders from a traitor.

-Dripping with a lack of respect for our current president and his decisions,

Field Marshal Donovan Thomas
eIrish Free Agent

Time to hoist the Jolly roger