Highest Ranked Man on the Cinder, no longer

Day 1,571, 23:46 Published in Canada Canada by Plugson

Gherk lays down a final cinderblock with the last of his eCAn work-clicks on Day 1,571.

While we’ve been busy with Scottish resistance fighters and pardoning the unpardonable, a steady NEXUS exodus has reduced our ranks while oxymoronically raising them (#193 for me). However, scaling Mt. Vainglory may not be quite the summit if we sum up the someones who have been summoned off somewhere less surly.

Several weeks ago, we shamelessly plugged the ascent of Gherk to topmost tier of eCanada, so we thought to follow up on his recent forays. Deciding that being at the top of a pointy precipice was not to his liking, he took off to a more middling ground in the eUSA today, where a base camp has been firmly established by other Canuckistani spelunkers. No word on if he plans to join in the expedition to plumb the depths of Loch Ness in search of the fabled Nahsee monster.

However, we did squeeze in a few quick questions as he packed up his gear, magically converted CAD to USD, and bid farewell to the most daunting terrain ever conquered. Asked to proffer advice to promising alpinissists, Gherk commented, “All it takes is putting one XP in front of the next.”

Further prodding received several more answers before he swiped his CS pass at the border:
Q1: How much did Rolo pay you to vacate the #1 spot in eCanada?

A1. Damn, I bet I could have made money from me moving to the US. Actually with all the political in fighting I figured Canada was soon going to lose its productivity bonus and the WRM is my money train. People have to realize that Rolo is not the greatest threat to eCanada.

Q2: What was your best memory being #1? Did The Big Chair still smell like TembuttBC?

A2. Well I was no. 1 in Switzerland before moving to eCanada so I have had some experience. I guess taking control of Union Nationale and merging it with CPF would be the best memory as Top Canuck. I'm actually looking forward to moving to the US to have a goal of reaching the Top 5 again.

Q3: How does the eUS 100% production bonus make you feel, on a scale from 1 to 10. ‘1’ being eCanadian and ‘10’ being tickled pinko.

A3. I think as a country we should all give up our eCanadian citizenship and see what happens with the game mechanics. Maybe eCanada will sink into the Atlantic Ocean or Canada would no longer be a country that you can choose for citizenship. Curious minds want to know.
A curious set of answers from a curio out of our history books. A total of two citizens attended his farewell departure to see him off. One said he accidentally wandered into the procession, while the other thought it was a military caravan destined for the Highland Crusades. The event and his absence went unnoticed, for the most part, until the ranks were updated the next day to everyone’s dismay, not for his departure but more for the space he let fill in.

There’s no ultimate pinnacle you can reach because up is down once you think you’ve reached the top.