Heroes of History I

Day 1,976, 06:15 Published in Ireland Ireland by Struis Vogel

Hello readers. Struis Reports is back and since I’m not up to date with Erepublik world politics at the moment, let me start off with something else.

As a history student i read a lot about people of the past. Normal people, evil people, crazy people but the ones who attract most of my attention are the heroes of history. People who made a difference, people who put their own lives at risk in order to make a difference for others.

That's why i'm going to use my newspaper to honor these people and maybe give a little history lesson to my readers along with it. I do not know if this new series will be a daily or weekly thing, simply because i just write when i feel like it.

As i'm currently an Irish citizen, our first hero is off course an Irishman. We're going back to Italy in the 1940's, where an Irish catholic priest was brave and determined enough to make a difference.

Hugh O'Flaherty Also known as "the scarlet pimpernel of the Vatican" was an Irish catholic priest who resided in the Vatican during the Second World War. Starting with visits to POW camps and offering help to POW's. Later in the war when Italy faced German occupation, he would save POW's released behind enemy lines and guide them back to a safer zone, to make sure they wouldn't be recaptured. He also saved a lot of Jews from an almost certain extermination camp genocide and made sure they were being watched after by his acquaintances. In fact, he saved so many souls, that the German Gestapo put in a lot of effort to kill O'Flaherty when they found him out. Luckily, he was an escape artist, a master of disguise and the Nazi's were god-fearing enough to not arrest/kill O'Flaherty inside the Vatican. He survived the war, just like 6500 of POW's and Jews he had saved. O'Flaherty died in 1963 at the age of 65.
May he never be forgotten.