Heed the Call! Change your eWorld!

Day 844, 18:01 Published in Ireland Japan by Donovan Thomas

All eIrish citizen's, your presence, your comments and your involvement are requested in the Public Dáil.

Copy and paste this address to get there:


Text of the discussion is as follows

Based on recent conversations, general feeling of citizens and overall distaste for the game of late I hereby propose that we repeal the constitution, all acts, laws and legislation that exists outside the GAME in favor of more and general enjoyment for all.

This shall in no way preclude our ability to argue like fools at the drop of a hat 🙂

There was a time when all eIreland had was law and discussion. We have moved beyond that in my opinion. Let's make it official.

An excellent summation of why we should do this can be found here: Thanks Dash!

A slightly more entertaining if less logical summation here. Thanks Dish!

Let's enter V2 ready for fun!

Get there! Say your Peace! Make your Mark!