Day 1,137, 15:52 Published in USA USA by Hadrian X

Happy New Year everyone! Have a fun and safe New Year's Eve!

Q: What is your New Year's resolution this year?

Deificus: I enjoy watching the calendar turn, kinda neat to try sign and date with a different year on the end after just having gotten used to the current one. But one thing I don't do regularly is resolve to do anything differently. Mostly because I feel confident that if I did, I'd fail in that respect at some point within a week. :3 If I had to though, and thought I could pull it off... I'd probably exercise more and spend less time on my computer... Meaning more time being in shape and less time with eRepublik and my peeps. But since that's not going to happen anytime soon, I'm sure it will be fun ringing in 2011 with everyone I love so near and dear. 🙂

Jewitt: Stop eating bacon. It's terrible that I do, and I know that it is considered unclean and I am poisoning my body, but it is just so delicious. It's like I am eating an angel's tears. To drop bacon would be a success.

Claire Littleton: I usually just try to have one... but it's always so hard for me to decide on just one. So this year, my Resolution is going to be to this: to have only one resolution for next year.... and to drink less boxed wine.

HobbitTon: Find more deer for Claire to kill.

Alexander Hamilton: To not quit this game 😛 Despite it's shortcomings…

Bombonato: My erep resolution is to inflict pain upon... ADMINS!!!

Rod Damon: To delegate more and stem the tide of my assistants quitting the game.

DumbEmma: I resolve to keep my lawn well manicured.

Fionia: Anger management. >.>

Athanaric: Kill Pizza the Hut. Or maybe eMarry someone? I don’t know. It's a toss up really.

Pheno Sony: Probably try to stop people from eating banana's as much as possible.

Jon Barack Bluejacket: Same thing it is every year. "To take over the world!"

Justin McCravok: To conquer the world… and fund better Robot Santas?

Glove: My New Year Resolution - Showing the world how gay the UI...Justin McCravok is.

Leroy Combs: To spend more time with my kids and not on Erepublik, maybe cut back on the number of company's I have (currently 18+) and I'm worried about the latest change where orgs can't buy companies.

Bia Pandora: Play eRep less and get laid more.

Speedcat McNasty: Tank more, have more fun, stress less, more sex, enjoy the game rather than focus on 'winning' something or another.

Kid A: My resolutions will be mostly political. As president I hope to make the eUS a fun country once again. My primary focus will be getting people (especially new players) involved.

Jasper Ferguson: To give up politics, which is more difficult than quitting smoking.

Bradley Reala: Probably not to get elected to anything on eRepublik. I guess I should probably make a resolution to focus more on my studies as well. I guess those two work hand in hand don't they?

Shada Aeon: To start college for Psychology... And.. That's it.

Blank Keating: I plan to follow a classic resolution: lose weight through intense training, and gain at least 50 strength in the process.

Kazeal: 1) Pursue a job promotion with zeal 2) Work out hella 😁

Kria Erikson: Probably getting out and socializing more, and maybe picking up some exercise time too

Redbirdusa: My New Year’s resolution is to keep being cool. 😛

Andy Costello: 1. rid the world of Justin Bieber, 2. bring peace to a small town in southern brazil, 3. make the best apple pie ever, 4 bring sexy back.

Blue Holt: To reveal my true identity to the entire eWorld. If you knew, you'd sh*t bricks. 😃

Civil Anarchy: Cut down on the caffeine is mine. 😃

Morrigan Alexandros: Do more crazy dangerous things and stop procrastinating.

NXNW: Not to procrastinate so much.

SweetBags: Understand sleep.

Haliman: Never really have any. Why set up unrealistic goals that no one ever keeps, anyways?... I'd like to use a lifeline, please 😉

Julian Mizu (in a tough, bad ass voice): I don’t do them.

GLaDOS: Fuck bitches. Get money.

Syrup: In the year 2011, I will ALWAYS use a condom when romping with Emerick.

Here's to a great 2011!! Thanks for reading! 😉
~Hadrian X