Get Your Dose

Day 2,357, 18:39 Published in USA USA by Dave Gulya

Hello America! This is your bi-weekly dose of AMP! In today's article we'll be covering a number of interesting things. We'll be telling you about the amazing PoTUS Candidate we'll be endorsing! A few fun facts about AMP you probably didn't know. We'll also be hinting at who our next Party President may be! Most importantly, we'll tell you how to get a bunch of free stuff including 10 tanks a day & 10 gold!

The AMP's official Candidate for PoTUS is none other than Molly Emma! If you want to learn more about Molly Emma and why we endorsed her, feel free to read her newspaper.

Fun Facts

One of the cool things about the American Military Party is that since we don't belong to any particular Military Unit or Organization, we receive players from all walks of life with different beliefs and different ideas. This is because we're a Party of free-thinkers, a group of individuals with different ideas and stances. This allows us to be one of the most diverse and open parties around. As long as you like tanks, you're a good fit for AMP.

Want some free stuff? This is the place. AMP runs numerous charities that can be found here.

Want a chance to win 10g? AMP runs a bi-weekly lottery open to all members in which you choose 3 numbers, even if you only get 1 number right, you still get 100cc so there's tons of rewards to be had! To read more, click here.

The AMP Food and Tank Program! Any AMPer can request up to 600 wellness and 3 Q7 tanks. Not in the party? Don’t worry, any eUS citizen can get 300 wellness a day.[url=Links:] Request now![/url]

The GTA (Give these AMPers Tanks) program, which lets any American who posts on the AMP forum twice claim 7 Q7 tanks a day! Our forum can be found in the picture above. Once you complete these 2 posts, fill out this form.

Tl😉r? (Too lazy, didn't read)
Molly Emma for CP, Join AMP for some greeling!