
Day 2,323, 01:05 Published in Pakistan Pakistan by TheJakal

I'm leaving Jakal's body today.
I couldn't curse too much since it wasn't my account, and eventually I did get sick of ..
All of this.

It's very simple.
For Pakistan.

You can be warrior or
you can be politician.

I feel sorry for the guys .. ye, well.
Let them learn it on their own.

Pakistan is small country, and although it seems dead now, it's easier to recover smaller countries than big.

What is hard to recover is lack of balls.
And I'm afraid that .. all these guys have this issue.

Blind leaders lead to isolation.
Isolation = death.

I see people who never made a joke, who don't have a single girl in their companionship.
That's becuz they are .. limited.
Their brains are limited.
Limited brains lead to limited countries.
Limited countries die.

Getting to know people here has good sides too.
There are some great people.
They are just too shy.

So when this battle occured, I just saw "Pakistan" in battle link.
And that's good.
I don't want to feel anything negative for this great country.
I don't want to see the names of presidents, ministers, parties when I open battle link.

So, off I go now, I'll resurrect soon, and we can curse each other again.

Truly yours
