From Spain to Indonesia: ONE's Manifest Destiny

Day 1,230, 15:06 Published in Indonesia Sweden by Maegalodonus

Let's have the party started. (click the pic)

Dear Indonesia.

As many of you will notice when you wake up to a new day in Indonesia, there's a new war unveiling: USA vs Spain.

Since the war started, Spain has been the main target of the Terra-EDEN alliance. We've been NE'd by Portugal, Brasil, France, and now USA and Argentina. 5 vs 1. 5 battlefronts. And they've failed miserably. With the magnificent support of or allies, Spain is marching victorious in all fronts.

Sailing into the future

We're not afraid, we knew very well that this could happen when we decided to join the new alliance, which eventually developed into ONE. And I might say, we were very willing to sacrifice some of our own regions in order to help our allies achieve important targets in other fronts. On the contrary, those who attacked us, the axis of Brasil-USA and their puppets, only had one thing in mind; destroy Spain and "teach a lesson to Poland". Their strategy, to abandon old bros and allies to their own sad miserable destiny in order to try and acomplish this single target and further their agendas. "Broatia", Greece, Romania, Portugal, France and the almost annihilated Italy and Germany were all thrown to the wolves by Brasil and USA in their vain attempt to destroy Spain and Poland. Nothing really new, is it? Truth is, thanks to this dastardly "strategy" of throwing allies to the wolves, ONE progression of victories in all fronts has been possible to achieve with much more ease that if they had been truly supporting their allies. So, in a way, I guess we have to thank them for being what they are. Selfish arrogant traitors.

Still, they like to talk about brotherhood. They like to see their alliance as some "Brotherhood of Nations" supporting in each other through dark times, and picture our ONE alliance as a group of evil greedy powers. Quite funny. Oh yeah we know them well. After all -and tragically - we've been allied to them for quite a long. We've seen their unbearable arrogance and selfishness in first hand. We saw them forsaking "Broatia" again and again in their moments of need. We saw them conspiring against all their EDEN allies. Yes, we know them well. And they love to use the word "bro".

Bros like the above mentioned.

Bros like SouthAfrica, forsaken and abandoned by the Americans.

Bros like Japan, currently in the procces of being sold out to China.

Bros like Ireland, who they wouldn't hesitate for a second to handle them with a lace to the Brits if that was of some benefit for them.

And what about "Brozil"?. The other master of puppets. The bully of South America. The one that can put millions of damage for their own battles, never for their former PHX allies. The home of infamous Jazar. The country worldwide reknown for not having honoured their word or respected an agreement in their entire life. The country that would call you "bros" and shout "hail BIA", yet didn't hesitate for a second to sign an alliance with Indonesia's historical enemy, the USA. The country that didn't hesitate for a second in sending their tanks to fight against you, their Indonesia bros.

Here is TERRA. These bunch are the "Bros".

On the other side of the trench; ONE the true partnership of nations. Standing all for ONE, and ONE for all. Without their magnificent support, and also that of countries affiliated to ONE, we wouldn't have been able to withstand the coward TERRA attack against Spain from 4 fronts. Nuff said.

But now the war takes a new dimension. The expendable puppets have already been sacrificed or are in their final moments. Now the war is to be taken to the very core of the masters of puppets; to USA and Brasil. Now it's not about conquering resources or securing regions. It's much bigger than that, much more important than pixels on a map. It's about loging in to erepublik every day to fight for dignity. To smash the ones that have been playing and manipulating countries since day 0. To show them that they cannot use people and countries as they wish and throw them to the wolves when they need them no more. To teach a lesson to those whose ego and selfishness is the size of the moon. To treat them in the exact same manner as they are used to treat others. A lesson they will never forget.


Let's hit up the volume Indonesia! Let's do something EPIC and great together.



Oh yeah, also...

> We have a meeting with Dubya in Texas. FREE TEXAS!!!