From Rushi to Sadhu

Day 3,007, 12:22 Published in India India by Patanjali
Oṃ bhūr bhuvaḥ svaḥ

So, what this obsolete character think about those days ?
I’m sure you did not wondered, nor will be a matter of great importance, yet I want to ask you too cooperate (once more) answering to my questions 😃

A “rushi” in Satya Yuga was … ultimately, the archetype of the Man. That man that could have been Manu himself. For westerners Adam.
However, a Rushi was a man educated in respect of Yama and Niyama, meaning the most ancient Dharma, the one that is instilled in all of us, somehow, and that make us to know if we did something wrong, or not.

Yet, a Rushi was not born that way, even in Satya Yug (or in the ages before that), but he have to became one, using he’s own will, he’s own capacities to study and he’s own faith.
Now, I presume that today, like words change in languages, our perception on different terms changed too.

If today we cal the humans “purusha” for the ancients “Purusha” got a completely different meaning (all creatures have a Purusha – not only humans – but we tend, through our words and language to discriminate low spirits, those days).

Will, or Tapas, was not the “will to get rich, to became famous, to forge an Empire”, but that will that light the inner fire, the fire of pursuing the way of improving ourselves, the way of attaining the higher knowledge regarding world and our goal in this (and all others) life, the will to accomplish the ultimate goal of our existence.

Study, or Svadhyaya, was not the gathering of diplomas and title, nor of informations (wich are distinct from knowledge), nor was measured by the number of publications, but, mainly, a way to self-control ourselves in order to improve and just after that was it a study, how we perceive it today, but of sources that are reliable and useful for our improvement as humans, as spiritual creatures.

Finally, the faith (I like to quote it like “Ishwara pranidhana”), was mainly the ceasing of the fruits of our actions and the request for help on improving ourselves, not to follow a prescribed ritual, nor to inflict damage on ourselves, nor to walk naked on the streets.

And this lead us to the second part.

How could I presume that people in the images understand what meant to be a Man.
How far from Manu or Adam they are ?

Now the question for you

Not in my intention to offend anyone beliefs but, how do you think that we came here ?
Is it because of the education (or lack of it) system we have now, and did not had in ancient times ?
Is it because we have much more fears those days, fears that we did not have when we lived “in the forest” ?

On other words, do you think humans do know today what they want in life, more than to fulfil them desires. Is it right what humans want from them lives nowadays ?

Meri shubhkaamanaaye aapke saath hai !